Thirty Nine

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Demi woke up the next morning smiling when she could feel Joe still sleeping next to her hearing his soft snores. She wished she could see his angelic face sleeping, she could have her sight back within the hour. She allowed herself time to wake up before she begun to get out of bed but soon heard a voice from behind her.

"Demi?" Joe mumbled Demi turning around leaning down kissing what she found was the side of his head gently then pulling away.

"Go back to sleep Joe, I'll be fine," She assured her Joe soon settling back down on the pillow falling back to sleep. She felt Jace nuzzle her hand so she knew where he was. She found his leash putting it on his collar taking hold of the leash so he could lead her downstairs. She took every step carefully like she usually did until she was at the bottom. "Thank you Jace." Demi sat down on the couch feeling him jump up next to her his front paws and head laying on her lap.

"Where are you going?" Joe questioned as he wondered downstairs seeing Demi getting her shoes on but he made his way over kneeling down beginning to tie her left shoe lace as she did the right one. He then leaned up kissing her lips gently Demi kissing back before Joe pulled away standing up straight again.

"I've ran out of milk so I was going to the shop and no I will go, I'm not as independent now that your here. I kind of want to get it back." Demi stated.

"I didn't know you felt that way, if you think that I'm doing too much for you just tell me and I'll back off but I will have breakfast made for you by the time you get back." Joe urged.

"It's not that I don't like your help, I just want to do some of my own stuff like fetching milk. Before you came I had to do everything but with the baby coming soon enough you'll have to help me out." Demi answered smiling when she felt his lips against hers, she kissed him back feeling him pull her closer towards him as the kiss got deeper. She could feel the passion in the kiss that Joe was giving her. To prove to her that he loved her.

"I love you." He mumbled against her lips Demi being the one who pulled away from him but pecked his lips once.

"I love you too." Joe smiled embracing her into a hug Demi laying her head down on his shoulder. She knew she loved him even though she knew that he was lying. She didn't care who he was as long as he was there for her and actually loved her like he said he did. He showed that a lot through his actions. Demi stood up taking Jace's leash in her hands allowing the dog to lead her out the door leaving Joe behind. He started to clean up for Demi knowing she struggled sometimes without her sight to dust and vacuum.

Demi was making her way back from the shop a plain white plastic bag in her hands. Jace seemed to be enjoying the walk after a couple of lazy days, they sometimes took him to the park where Joe was able to throw a ball for him, Demi was learning to know which direction the field was in. She suddenly heard chattering and flashing of cameras, she could guess that it was the paparazzi after her because she was dating Joe Jonas. She just ignored them carrying on her travel Jace knowing where he was going.

"Demi, Demi what's it like to be dating Joe Jonas?" She heard knowing that it was reporters now but she ignore them starting to get a little anxious not knowing how many of them there were or whether Jace was going to be able to get through them. She suddenly felt someone push against her clear that they had been pushed, she laid her hand down on her bump wanting to protect her baby. She got her balance back now scared to even continue.

She felt another big push unable to keep her balance falling on the floor.


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