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Joe sat the bottle down on the tray along with a coffee and a slice of cake for Demi. He hoped just doing little things like this will make up for what he had done until he knew so he could make everything better. He made his way upstairs pushing the door open with his foot seeing Demi bringing their daughter up in her arms as she cried soon looking in his direction.

"Hey let me feed her, you have your coffee and cake." Joe stated setting the tray down on the bed lifting Amelia out of her arms taking the bottle from the tray beginning to feed the little girl stood up Demi staring at the tray at the end of the bed.

"I can't have coffee if I want to start breast feeding in a couple of months." Demi whispered Joe sighed closing his eyes soon opening them.

"Eat the cake then, it's the one you picked out last weekend." Joe replied kissing Amelia's head. He could feel how tense it was between them, Joe knowing that something was wrong and Demi feeling like she was. He didn't like the feeling between us, he wanted the feeling back like it was a couple of weeks ago.

"I don't really want it now." Demi mumbled laying her head back on the head board keeping her eyes closed. Joe knew it was more than her just being tired.

"I really just want to know what's going on with you Demi. It's hard to try and cheer you up when I don't know what your sad over," Joe stated calmly, he didn't want to stress out and cause Demi anymore stress or Amelia who was relaying on him to stay calm so she could finish her bottle off. Demi didn't move, just stayed still not saying a word. "What happened on that walk?"

"Nothing." Demi answered.

"There must have been something cause you were fine before the walk, the Demi I know. It's hard to be a good boyfriend when I don't even know what's wrong with my girlfriend." Joe urged hoping to get it out of her at some point.

"You think you're a good boyfriend?" Demi scoffed but Joe was able to hear every word. He took in a deep breath burping Amelia laying her back down in the bassinette before replying to her Demi watching his every move.

"Is this about the lie?" Joe questioned.

"Maybe." Demi mumbled not moving when he sat down next to her. He was just glad she was starting to open up to him a little bit.

"Come on Demi, why did you forgive me in the first place if you felt this way?" Joe complained looking down at the bed. He hadn't forgotten what he had done to Demi but he wanted to, regretting it but he was only human. He made mistakes.

"Because it was always in the back of my mind, whether I was too soft or something. You lied to me throughout a pregnancy with your child, the birth and it was only because I got the operation that you did tell me. I can't decide whether I trust that you would have ever told me." Demi admitted not able to give him eye contact. Joe just sighed.

"I know I was stupid Demi but can't we just move past this and continue our lives like they were before. I don't want to fight like some couples do, Amelia not knowing where she was going to be that weekend." Joe admitted.

"I've tried but it just keeps coming up in my mind then I met this guy at the park..." Demi begun Joe soon cutting her off.

"What do you mean met a guy?" Joe questioned jealously clear in his tone as his eyes were now on her. Demi sighed slightly.

"He just came over with his dog and we talked for a bit, I didn't cheat on you Joe." Demi spoke sternly Joe just sighing as he got off the bed.

"How do I know your telling the truth?" Joe mumbled.

"Because you're the liar not me!" Demi snapped at him.


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