Eighty (The End)

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"He's so handsome." Demi cooed as she bounced her newborn baby in her arms. The little boy was awake after just having his first feed. Joe was by her side smiling as he saw the mother of his children with their second born but first son. He leaned over kissing Demi gently then kissing his son's head who was cooing slightly.

"Of course he is, he's your son." Joe grinned holding his finger out for the boy to clamp his fist around which he did enjoying the comfort of both his parents.

"I have a name for him," Demi begun looking up at her boyfriend. "Let's start a tradition, Joseph Adam Jonas Jr." Joe couldn't help but smile as he felt the tears form in his eyes, he leaned down though kissing her gently Demi kissing back Joe slowly pulling away laying his forehead on hers a smile on both their faces.

"Thank you." He breathed Demi smiling too as she held out their son for him to take which he did Joe rocking him gently seeing that he was slowly drifting off.

"We'll call him Junior as he grows up." Demi suggested laying her head on the pillow clearly shattered from just giving birth to her baby boy. They kept this one a surprise so it was only about an hour ago they found out they had a little boy, Demi had a strong feeling that they were having a boy. Joe had only just remembered everything from the accident but he was glad it had happened before his son was born, he could start out his life fresh now with his family. Soon enough he would be back with his brothers to start some new music and only doing tours close by so he could still be around his family. The fans deserved more after so long.

"Or we could just call him Adam like we do with Kevin." Joe suggested Demi nodding her head gently a smile on her face.

"Adam it is." She mumbled before falling off to sleep, Joe smiled kissing her forehead gently before paying attention to Adam who too was falling asleep in her father's arms.

"Mommy is a special person isn't she, she's so strong." Joe smiled as his son's eyes shut for the last time. Or at least for a couple of hours before he would demand more attention but he seemed to be a good baby at the moment.

"Baby brother?" Amelia questioned as she sat next to her mother on the hospital bed Demi having Adam in her arms now after he had been changed. Joe had a small nap on the couch while Demi and Adam were sleeping. Demi went into labour early hours of the night so they were all tired, Joe just couldn't imagine how tired Demi must be.

"Yes this is Adam, do you want to give him a kiss?" Demi encouraged the parents smiling as Amelia kissed Adam's cheek gently. Adam whined a little bit but Joe leaned over caressing his cheek which made him settle down again.

"How did he get here?! He was in your tummy!" Amelia exclaimed Joe and Demi laughing Demi kissing the side of her head.

"Trust me it wasn't easy but he's here now, are you going to be a good big sister?" Amelia nodded her head quickly.

"The best!" They both smiled looking back down at Adam but Joe's eyes weren't just on Adam but his whole little family. He couldn't be more happy with where his life is heading. He had a healthy family and the most amazing career. He had all his memories back and made a full recovery. He was looking forward to the future with Demi and their two children. He knew there would be more in the future, there was always going to be three babies at least.

It was later on that day that Demi was allowed to go home with little Adam. There weren't any complications which the parents were relived at. Everyone had met him at the hospital and wanted to give them some space on their first day back with Adam. Amelia would be staying at Denise and Paul's house where Joe would pick her up after dinner. Demi laid Adam down in the bassinette smiling as Joe wrapped his arms around her from the back his front pressed against her back. She leaned back against him as his chin rested on her shoulder. She could feel Jace sit down next to her happy that she was back after so long Demi placing her hand on his head running her fingers through his blonde fur. He would meet Adam a little later on but they knew he would be good with him, he had always been so good with Amelia. He had a calm nature which helped.

"I can't get over how perfect he is, it was the same when Amelia was born." Demi admitted smiling when he kissed her neck just once.

"At least you got to see his little face this time when he was born." Joe stated.

"Yeah there is that, I can't believe five years ago you weren't in my life and I only had Jace," Demi confessed. "But when you did come into my life it was one of the best things that ever happened. Even though I was blind you loved me the same. I love you too, just in the dark." Joe smiled kissing her lips when she turned her head.

"I love you so much," He mumbled against her lips but then pulled away. "And our children of course." They both laughed when Jace woofed.

"We love you too Jace!" Demi cooed caressing Adam's cheek when he whimpered slightly but settled down.

"Come on, let's let the little man sleep." Joe took her hand leading her out of the room Jace following not far behind. 


I hope you enjoyed it! Remember to check out my other stories, I have plenty! haha!

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