
"Hmm?" It sounded like she was on her way to sleep.

"You gonna put the movie in?"

She looked down at me and laughed.

"Damn, I thought you was gonna do it,"

"Nope," I said and sighed. I was tired.

"My body is stuck tho'," she said as she rubbed my stomach.

"Uh but Im tired. I cried the whole time you was gone," I told her.

"Aint nobody tell you to cry that long," She said and laughed.

"You're an ass," I said and laughed a bit.

"Im sorry baby," She said and lefted my head up.

She got up and turned the TV on and the DVD players. She placed the DVD in and came back over to couch. She laid on top of me and made herslef comfortamble between my legs and laid her head on my chest. I placed one hand on her back and the other on her head. I looked over to the screen she had put in Resident Evil the first movie She knows I hate this movie.

"Why we gotta watch this? "

"My other girlfriend is in this movie, and you told me to put the DVD in," she said and yawned. She press play on the remote and sat it on the floor.

"Your right," I said.

We both laughed.

"Besides I want you to be all up on me when you get scared," she said.

I laughed.

"Ace you are laying on me how more on you can I get?"

"I don't know you'll find a way," She said as she moved around in my arms.

"Comfortable yet?" I asked her.

She took her hand and reached in her pocket she pulled out her wallet and threw it on the table.

"Now I am,"

I shook my head and focused my attention on the TV, and the scary ass movie she is making me watch. After about ten mintues into the movie we was both sleep. I didn't realize it until I felt her start to sweat. I swore I thought we were over this. I woke up and jumped a bit. The movie was at some part when all the damn zombies started to pop out.

"Shit," I whispred.

"Ace baby wake up," I shook her.

" Before mama found me on the street," she started off.

She was talking in her sleep. I wonder how much she smoked. Last time she told be a story she was super high, and the story wasn't a very pleasant one. I wasn't sure how I felt about this one, and she was sweating so I know it can't be good.

" I was wondering around, my neck was bleeding bad but not really bad. I had no where to go. I didn't know where my father lived. He never wrote or called. Anyway. I was sitting in a alley I think that was the last time I ever cried. I was balling my eyes out," she said and laughed a bit.

"Anyway, I was sitting there rocking back and forth with no idea what to do. This strange man came up he asked me if I was lost. I told him no. he asked if I had any family I again said no. Then he gave me this creepy look, he tried to rape me. He almost did to until mama showed up. Mama is a bad ass she shot that nigga in the neck. I was so tired and exhausted that I blacked out. I just remember waking up in this big ass crib," She said.

She turned her head to the side and stopped talking. She let out a deep breath and then started snoring. I laid there with her head on my chest. I held on to her tight as I sat there in shock with tears. Fuck. I wish she would stop telling me this shit. It hurt so much knowing she had a lot of shit go on in her life.

"Baby I cant breath," She mumbled into my chest. I let her go.

"I'm sorry," I said as I sniffed up my tears.

She sat up and scratched her head. She looked at me.

"Damn I was sweating again," She said and laughed.

She wipped the side of her face and looked at me.

"What's wrong?"

"You where talking in your sleep," I told her as I sat up.

"Oh shit what I say?" She asked me with this concer look on her face.

"How you almost got rapped,"

She looked at me and bit her bottom lip.

"I forgot all about that shit," she said and laughed like it was nothing.

"How do you forget shit like that?"

"I surpressed that memory something I care never to think of," she said.

I just nodded my head. I felt her staring at me.

"Fuck this shit we about to get out the house," She said as she stood up and stretched.

I looked at her and smirked. Maybe we do need to get out of this house for a bit.

" Go get dress baby," She said as she lefted me up.

"Come take a shower with me," I told her.

She looked at me and smirked. She grabbed my hand and led me to the shower. She sat me on the sink and turned on the shower. She then walked back over to me and took off the shirt I had on. She kissed my neck and down to my breast.

"Baby this is not gonna make use leave the house,"

I bit down on my bottom lip. I wrapped my arms around her neck. She brought her lips to mines and kissed me deeply. Her hands rubbed up and down my sides.

"We will leave after we shower and dress," She said and placed her lips around my nipple.

"Mmm but, bay ooo shit," I said as her hand found its way down into my jeans.

"I gotta finish what we started before the argument," she whispered as sucked on my bottom lip and thrusted two fingers inside of me I grabbed onto the counter of the sink.

"Shit," I said.

She took her other hand and unbutton and unzipped my pants. This gave her hand more room to go to work. She started to move her hand up and inside of me faster. Her lips found themselves once again wrapped around my nipple. She was flicking her tongue across my nipple.

"FUCK," I yelled out.

The stimulation my nipple was getting and the speed her hand was moving was sending my body over the edge. I curled my toes up and tilted my head back. My lower body raised off the sink.

"Squirt for me baby," she said.

" Wait, wait.. SHIT!" before I could tell her to take my pants off.

I squirted. She pulled her hand out of my pants and placed them in my mouth. I sucked off my juices. She smirked and looked down at my pants.

"Looks like you pissed yourself," she said and laughed.

"Shut up, you made me do it," I said as I leaned back against the mirror that was above the sink.

Before I could get down Ace was pulling off my pants and underwear. She threw them to the side and dove straight in. Her tongue twirled around my clit slowly. I placed my hands on her ears

"MMM shit, I like that," I mumbled and moaned.

She kept up the pace.

I don't think we gonna be getting in the shower anytime soon.

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