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I looked at Ace and saw that look come back. Before I could stop her she was walking over fast as hell to the taxi man.

" COME BACK HERE!" I yelled after her but she just kept walking.

She reached in her pockets and pulled out a knife and opened it up quick as fuck. The taxi driver man just looked at her. He looked kind of scared. I thought this shit was over. I ran over and grabbed Ace by her hand. She looked at me and clenched her jaw.

" I will take care of yo ass later, you no green card having motha fucka," She told the dude in a calm voice.

I was able to pull her back to the car. She put her knife away and got in the backseat of the car with me.

" Ace I swear..." I was to heated to finish my statement.

" I know, I know," She said as she laid her head in my lap.

" You are going to anger management real soon," I told her.

She and Ice laughed. Like that shit was funny.

" Okay baby, whatever you say," She told me.

I dropped it and looked out the window. I am so serious about this shit. I can't save everybody from her ass. She needs to learn how to control that shit. I looked down at her to see her texting on her phone.

" If I go to this damn family bbq my sister want me to go to you gonna come with me?" she asked me. not taking her eyes of her phone.

" Yeah, I guess so when is it?" I asked her.

I took her hat off and placed it on her stomach and started to rub her head.

" Saturday," She told me.

I notice her bit her bottom lip. She must like getting her head rubbed.

" You gonna behave yourself?" I asked her.

She sighed

" If they don't start shit I wont," She told me.

I guess I can put up with that.

" You going to Ice?" I asked her.

" I dunno I might stop by. I don't like them either," She said and laughed.

" Are they really that bad?" I asked them.

" Baby they kicked me out when I was 10 what do you think," Ace told me she did have a point.

" When is Mama and Popa gonna have that big dinner?" Ice asked.

" Um I dunno I haven't talked to them in two days," Ace said.

" Ace, how many parents you got?" Cassie asked.

The whole car got silent. I felt her whole body tense up.

" I got one father I never meet, I got one bitch mother and then I got my Mama and Popa that took me in and treated me like their daughter. So I guess I got the parents that gave birth to me and the parents that loved me," she said.

" And Mama and Popa are coo as fuck," Ice said.

" Nessa have you meet them?" Cassie asked me.

" Nope, not at all," I said.

I wonder why I never meet them. I 'll ask her later.

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