〈33〉BH6 | Hiro Hamada x So-Called-Hero!Reader | Imma Super Hero!

Start from the beginning

What is she doing..? You couldn't help but ask yourself, as you began to draw your favorite character from your favorite TV Show/Anime/Movie/Video Game.

Once your order was ready, a young boy practically plopped it in front of you, almost getting some (F/D) on your precious creation.

"H-Hey!" You began to scold him, "Watch were your plopping things down, You almost spilled some of that (F/D) on my drawing!" You looked up at him angrily, puffing your cheeks.

"Your eyes look familiar." He muttered, practically leaning into you as he had a show-sown stare-down with you

"Pardon?" You asked, your cheeks slightly tinting pink

"I said, Your eyes look familiar. What, are you deaf or something?"

"Ok, Im sorry, geez.."

"Hiro, don't be such an idiot.." The older brother practically popped out of no where, smacking him in the back of the head with some newspaper that he found on a nearby table hat was probably left by some elderly person.

"EEEEEEH, 'Dashi, don't me so mean.." Hiro muttered, rubbing the back of his head, "That might only be a piece of paper, but you waked me hard enough that it actually really hurt.."

"Do you even remember who this girl is..?" The boy who was nicknamed 'Dashi asked his younder and idiotic brother, walking behind your seat and practically pointing at her.

Hiro shook her head, "No.. Doesnt ring a bell."

"Her name is (Y/N) Kagamine. Her and her older twin brother & sister would always come over to play on the weekends."

"OH YEAH!" He smiled, walking over to you and ruffling your hair, smiling at you like an idiot, "How've you been, (N/N)?"

"Wow, took you long enough to figure out who i was.." You muttered, going back to drawing.

"Ok, Im sorry.." Hiro apologized, sitting in the chair that was across from where you were currently sitting, "Where's your older brother? And your older idiotic sister?"

"Yeah.." Tadashi added in, "Your brother dissipated when we were Juniors in high school.. Your sister, after high school graduation.. And we stopped seeing you about 3 months after their disappearance. What happened?"

Good, they dont know what happened to Len..

"Well.. Rin, my older sister, went off to live back in Japan to get a music major. Len on the other hand, had to go back to live in Japan to live with our grandparents, because of what had happened in that time period.."

Which was about 3 years ago..

"What happened?" Hiro asked, "To your brother, i mean.."

"I don't want to talk about that." You told him, packing up your belongings, "Im going to leave, i have stuff i need to take care of." And with that, you ran off.

"H- Hey!" Hiro called out, standing up from his seat and watchig you as you walked away

"You brought up a topic she didnt want to talk about, little 'bro.."

"I know.." Hiro looked down at the table, seeing that she left her sketch pad,"She left her doodle notebook.." He muttered, a big smirk spreading across his face as he ran upstairs.


When I was young, I admired, the invincible red -capped man.
In These immoral Times,

A hero just like that is what we need..

1) Doing Trash-Collecting
2) Saving lost Kittens
3) Stopping bullies
4) Stopping thieves..

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