" Say ain't you Dino's girl?" he asked Ace.

" Yeah, I am," She said and looked at my dad with a confused looked.

" Your dad is helping me run for the judging spot. I've seen you at his house when I came over to visit once, " He said.

Ace just nodded her head. I don't think she really cared. I'm sure my dad was about to put a bid in somewhere.

" VANESSA?" I jumped as soon as I heard my mother call my name.

She was walking fast and angry. She also had Desi and that punk as Edward behind her. She was looking furious. She grabbed my arm and snatched me off the table. She walked me over to an isolated part of the park with the two assholes behind her. They where both smirking.

" What the hell is this I hear about you being a got damn lesbian?" she semi yelled at me.

" Well mom you heard right," I told her and glared at the duo.

" Listen up hear, I don't know who this little bitch is that got you all fucked up in the head is. But I want you to drop this act. Now Edward has agreed to over look the little incident that happen last night," She said.

I looked over and saw Ace laughing and talking with my dad. She was sitting on the table drinking a pop and Cassie and Ice had made their way over.

" Is that her?" my mom asked me.

Before I could answer Edward cut me off.

" Yeah Mrs. Cooper that's her," he said.

I rolled my eyes.

" Hmm well she is pretty. But still you have to break it off with her," she told me.

I hope Ace is not having an effect on her. I would just... I don't know what I would do if my mom started flirting with her.

" Mom I'm not breaking up with her," I told her firmly.

" If you can't accepted it like dad then I don't know what to tell you," I told her.

She was taken back by what I had said. Edward and Desi were looking both mad and shocked. I guess they thought I was gonna roll over and take this shit.

" Vanessa, if you don't break up with that gay girl, me and your father will kick you out the house," She told me and folded her arms.

She had this smirk plaster on her face like she had won. I looked down and backed up at her and inhaled.

" Well then, I will have my shit packed and out by tomorrow," I told her and walked away.

I have never cussed at my moms, and I felt bad about it. I did feel good about letting them know. Maybe I can be happy, and Ace will treat me more like her girl, then just some girl she has to put up with. I made my way over and stood in-between Ace's leg's. My dad had left to go take care of something.

" You okay baby?" she asked me.

"I just told my mom I would be out of the house by tomorrow," I told her and placed my head on her chest. My entire family kept staring at us. It was bothering me, but Ace didn't give a fuck.

" When you wanna go and pick up your shit," She asked me.

I looked over and saw my mom and dad arguing and my mom was pointing at me.

" Uh after we eat," I told her.

She bent down and pecked my lips.

" That's all I get?" I asked her.

" You put me through hell today and all I get is a peck?" I asked her.

She chuckled.

" I'm sorry baby. I don't wanna kiss you and end up you know..." she leaned in and whispered in my ear..

"... make that pussy squirt," She said and kissed my neck.

" You are nasty," I told her.

It felt good to have my baby back

" Mmm but you like it," She told me.

She started sucking on my ear. Her hands found their way to my ass.

" Y'all are fucking nasty. This is a family function," I heard Cassie say.

" I know. What better way for the family to find out they got lesbians in the family," I told her.

Ace pulled back and laughed at me.

" Damn you bold. That shit is a turn on," Ace told me.

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