" You see Bravo Company this pussy bitch ass nigga said that I couldn't run shit cause I'm a woman," I told them.

They all looked around and shook their heads.

" Who run this shit?" I asked them.

" We run this shit," They yelled back.

" If one of us gets kidnapped we all get kidnapped," They said.

I nodded my head. I walked over and punched KC dead in his nose. I broke that shit in one hit. He started to cry.

" Is he crying Ace?" Rob asked me.

I nodded my head.

" Do we like crying?" Dee asked.

"FUCK NO," they all said.

I walked over to the table, and removed the blanket that was covering my tools. I picked up a knife it was dull. Nothing like a dull knife to aid in the suffering a pussy nigga . I walked over to KC. I grabbed his ear and very slowly started to cut it off. Damn I forgot that dull knives don't make clean cuts. He was screaming and trying to kick. I laughed as the blood started to pour out of the hole where his ear use to be. It wasn't a clean cut. It was slow, excruciating, and jagged cut.

" Ace you should pop his ear drum,"One of my generals yelled out.

I smiled and nodded my head. I took my knife and stuck it in his other ear puncturing his ear drum. He was about to pass out. So Nicki came over and threw a nice bucket of ice cold water on him he woke up screaming. She walked back over, and pulled out a damn sandwich and started to eat it. Fucking fat ass. I took the knife and cut his shirt open. I walked back over to table and threw the knife down, I grabbed the blow torch off the table and lit it. I walked over to him and started to run it up and down his torso in all sorts of patterns. I watched as skin started to rise up and bubble on his body. His skin started to blister and bust, that's when I knew he had second degree burn. I took the blow torched and held it to his left nipple. I watched as it started to burn. The smell of his flesh burning was something that sent chills down my spin. He was yelling while tears started to flow down his face.

" Now who is acting like the bitch?" I whispered in his ear.

I punched him in his stomach. He double over in pain.

" Ace what you gonna do with the Acid?" one of my girl sergeants yelled out.

I haven't thought about it, but all this noise was making was pissing me off.

" Come here Ice and get the Acid," I told my cousin.

She walked over and handed me the Acid.

" What you want me to do Killa?" she askedCalling me my other Nickname, she only call me that when I get into my mode, and my eyes were now pitch black.

I licked my lips and smirked.

" Open his mouth," I demanded. Ice had no problem doing this.

I open the acid and poured it down his throat. He was wiggling something vicious. Rob walked over and punched KC in his throat so that he could swallow it. Everybody started to cringe. I shook my head yes.

" You know what, you should do right Killa?" Trey said.

" No what should I do?" I asked not taking my eyes off of my task at hand.

" Break that niggas ankles," He said and laughed , I let out a low laugh too.

" Naw Fuck that break his fucking kneecaps," Nicki said.

" Naw Killa do both," I looked over and saw Ice and Brat nodding there head in agreement.

" What you think Rob and Dee?" I asked.

" Killa I say both," Rob said.

I looked behind and saw Dee holding a sledgehammer. She made her way over, with this evil smirk. I smirked back. She had gotten into her mode.

" Killa you should let me do it. I wanna have some fun to my nigga," She said.

I stepped back.

" Go ahead Annihilation." I said as I called her by her name.

She only got that name because she always hesitate before she killed somebody. That where I came in, I had no problem killing hence the nickname Killa, Rob nickname is Outrageous cause he can't fucking control himself sometimes, and he goes all out.

Dee walked over to KC and stood next to him. She lifted up the hammer; I leaned against the table and folded my arms. She raised up the sledgehammer and brought it down with hella force onto his kneecap. He yelled, he almost sounded like a bus screeching to a stop.

I rubbed my head. It was something I was suppose to be doing today around 6 but I couldn't remember. Dee brought down the hammer on his ankle. He passed out. I shook my head. I looked at my watch on my wrist. It read 3:00 pm. I shrugged my shoulders I would remember once I calm down some. I am to fucking hype right now. Nicki rolled her eyes and threw another bucket of cold water on his ass.

"Nigga stop passing out," She spat at him.

She was getting annoyed and I couldn't blame her.

" Ace, I don't think he should remain sitting," Chris said to me.

He is one of my majors. I nodded in agreement.

" String him up," I told him.

He nodded and two of my sergeants walked over and uncuffed him from the chair. They cuffed his hands back up and chained him to the bar. He was trying to stand but he couldn't. He was yelling and squirmed trying to remove his weight from his broken angle and kneecaps.

" Killa?" I looked over to Rob he had just entered his mode as well.

" What is it Outrageous?" I asked.

" Let me have a go at this nigga," He said.

I nodded my head. He got his favorite item off the table. His bat.

" Uh oh KC. You in trouble now," I said and smirked.

I got up and walked over to Kc. He looked beaten and defeated. I laughed, I hope this nigga think death was gonna come swift. This was just the begin.

" You see mother fucka, when you mess with one us. You mess with all of us. We are the GOT DAMN, police, mayor, and fucking army, marines, and navy around this bitch. We take no mercy. 'You know why?" I told him.

He shook his head no.

" We are Rinnegato." I told him.

" You know what that means?" I asked him.

He shook his head no. I nodded at Rob and backed up.

" He don't know what that means. Crew lets tell him," I yelled out

Rob hit him in the ribs with the bat.

It made a loud cracking sound. KC started to spit up blood.

" Renegade." They said altogether.

That's when Rob hit him in the ribs again but harder. He double over. I looked down at the floor and notice that it was a pool of blood forming around his feet.

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