Carbon Copy. (Part 2)

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I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting.


"Nothing." He mumbled, looking at the door.

"We can go outside and talk about it if you want." You whispered. Shortly after realizing what you said you covered your mouth. He didn't respond though, he just simply grabbed your hand and walked into the bathroom.

"So why are you all shook up?" You asked.

"You look like someone..." he sighed, trailing off.

"Someone like who?" You replied and he looked away, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Listen, you might think ima' crazy dude or something for what I'm about to tell you, but 2 years ago I had a girlfriend and she looked exactly like you. Maybe she was a lighter complexion, but chu' like her twin or something. Like its weird." He told you and you raised your eyebrow.

"Oh, wow." You responded, not knowing what else to say. You were dying to see what she looked like, ignoring the whole "twin" term.

"Yeah, when I seen you my heart sank. It was like I finally got her back. But in reality I didn't." He sniffled, looking down.

This was a completely different person to you, because you would see videos of August acting reckless, blunt and goofy but you never seen an emotional side of him. You were itching to ask about her but you didn't know how to.

"I know this is weird and all, but can I see like a picture?" You asked, looking at him. He shrugged, pulling out his phone and going to a picture then handing you the phone.

When you first glimpsed at the photo your palms began sweating and you began chewing on your bottom lip as you felt your eyes begin to burn. August looked at you, frowning.

"Aye, what's wrong?" He asked you. You didn't even know how to respond, the picture was enough for you.

"What was her name?" You asked for reassurance.

"Raleigh. Why?"

"When I was 3, my mom and dad were in a custody battle over me and my sister. For some odd reason, they split us up. I went with my daddy, my sister went with my mama. For 10 years straight she kept her from speaking to me, she hated me because she didn't get me and I was the one she wanted. When I was 13, my school went on a trip and I met a girl-"

"Hold up, where is this going?" August asked, with a hint of annoyance in his voice. You sighed.

"I'm getting there. So on the trip, I met a girl and every one kept walking up to me and saying she looked exactly like me, so I wanted to go see for myself. I walked over to her and said 'hi I'm Ryland.' For some odd reason she broke down into tears and pulled me in for a hug. After she calmed down she lifted my chin and looked on my neck, where my birthmark is. When I finally figured who she was I began crying too. It had been 10 years and we were both at lost for words, that day we stayed together telling everyone's were twins, because we were. Identical. Only thing you had to tell us apart was my hair was curly and hers was straight." You told him, studying your shoes.

"Go on." He replied, leaning on the wall.

"Our parents had to come to pick us up from the trip and when my daddy seen her, he swooped her up and hugged her, as if we'd never been apart. It was all took away when she began speaking to us." You mumbled, tearing up.

"Daddy. Why'd you let her hurt me?" Raleigh asked, bitting her bottom lip.

"Baby, they took you. It was nothing I could do." He explained. Raleigh sighed and lifted her shirt revealing a huge bruise on her stomach. Your dad's blood began instantly boiling.

2 hours later your mother walked up to you three, snatching Raleigh up by her arm. You scrunched your nose as the smell of sex and marijuana crept up your nose.

"What did mom tell you about talking to strangers?" Your mom asked her, glaring at you.

"Mom, this is my sister." Raleigh retorted.

"No the fuck it isn't." She yelled. Your dad stood up, putting distance between Raleigh and your mother.

"Why the fuck are you beating on my child Rhonda? Hmm?" He asked, gritting his teeth. She snickered, flicking her cigarette butt on the ground and stomping on it.

"She needs to be disciplined when she don't listen." She laughed.

"I'm taking you to back to court."

"And I'll tell them that you did that." She added, grabbing Raleigh and walking away.

"By then my blood was boiling. I resented my mom for hitting my sister. I barely even knew my sister, just that she was my carbon copy." You sighed. August looked at you, seeing more tears roll down your cheeks.

"Is it more you want to talk about?" He asked you. But you didn't know if you could trust him. As much as you wanted to.


Part 3?

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