I only want you. (Pt. 1)

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It was 3 a.m. and you were sound asleep, until you got interrupted by someone banging on your door. You groaned, sitting up and placing your feet into your slippers before going to answer the door.

Who's banging on my door like their police? You thought to yourself, but when you opened the door, you were shocked.

There stood August, covered in blood. You looked him up and down, slowly, noticing the gun tucked in his pants. He looked as if he'd been crying. He looked up at you, with blood shot red eyes.

"What's wrong?" You frowned, he shook his head, turning his face to the side. "You wanna come in?" You asked and he nodded.

He took off his bloody air force 1's and stepping inside. You grabbed his hand, before leading him to the shower. You got him a fresh towel and placed it on the toilet seat then you held up a garbage bag and August took his clothes off, putting them inside.

Not acknowledging you after that, he simply turned on the shower before stepping inside. You walked out, leaving him to wash off as you went and threw his clothes away. Your mama always said 'Aint no use in trying, blood don't come out.'

Luckily you and August were slowly moving up to being boyfriend and girlfriend so he had loads of clean clothes over there. He would always bring a duffle bag, but end up leaving it.

You rummaged through a bin, filled with his clothes before finding some basketball shorts and underwear. When you got to the bathroom, you closed the door. When you turned back around August was standing in front of you, and he startled you.

"You scared me." You muttered, handing him the stuff. You could tell he was upset because he clenched his jaw and his eyebrows were furrowed. He looked at the underwear, before handing them back to you and just putting on the shorts. You raised you eyebrow, and walked out the bathroom with him trailing behind you.

"Are you staying the night?" You asked and he nodded, still not speaking. You nodded and turned off the light before climbing in the bed. August laid down, and everything was fine until minutes later, you heard sniffling. You got up, turning the knob slightly to dim the room so you could see. He turned the opposite way, so you couldn't see him.

"Baby, come here." You held out your arms and he laid on your chest. You felt tears seeping through your shirt as you softly patted his back. You were all he wanted right now.

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now