One word.

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You and August had previously had an argument the week before, and for the both of you, that was the breaking point.

August broke up with you, and you were sad the first night, but after a while you started to not care. That was until August began talking shit about you to his friends. You both were currently in Biology class, and you were growing angrier by the minute as people kept talking about the break up.

"Hey lil' August." A boy snickered.

"Thats not my fucking name," you snapped. "I don't even know who that is." You added, catching Aug's attention.

"Man, she playing because she was just on my dick last week." August chuckled.

"What? Speak louder!" You raised your eyebrow, standing up. August rolled his eyes.

"Calm down, cause you not gon' be yelling at me."

"Yes the fuck I am! I'm sick and tired of you running your fucking mouth about shit that never even occurred in our relationship." You shouted.

"Whatever, bitch." August flipped you off. You were livid hearing him call you out of your name. Without thinking you got up, storming out of the class room and slamming the door.

Inside the class people weren't really watching until when you slammed the door, the glass from the window, shattered. People began walking into the hallway, looking for you but couldn't find you. A girl name Melissa, had an idea about your whereabouts, so she follow her instincts. Leading her to the bathroom.

When she seen you, her hand instantly found its way to her mouth as she seen your hand. Your hand was bloody, and was still bleeding heavily. She ran over to you, grabbing paper towel.

"What happened!" She exclaimed, wiping your hand. You made a straight face, you didn't have any feeling in your arm at all.

"I was punching lockers and I blacked out, I don't know." You shrugged. Your body began growing numb.

"Yn? You okay?" She asked, in a worried tone. Until you collapsed, she quickly ran out of the bathroom going to get help.

"Can someone help me!? She passed out, her knuckles look busted and it's blood everywhere!" She shouted, and everyone pushed out of the class to go and witness it for themselves. With the help of a few boys, they were able to take you to the nurses office.

"Who knew one word could make her this upset?" Someone frowned.


This was random. And I think like 2 things out of this chapter I've experienced...

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now