One time too many... (Pt. 1)

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You were at work, when out of nowhere you get a call from your daughter Jailee. You smiled and answered the phone, but you were instantly upset at what you heard.

"Mama, he hit me!" She sobbed through the phone,you could barely understand her.

"Jai, what? Go in another room, I can't hear!" You shouted, getting more upset.

"Get off me!" You heard her screaming and wailing. You quickly ran to your bosses office.

"Jai!" You spoke. Your stomach was in knots. Your 11 year old daughter was supposed to be happily spending the weekend with her father but all the commotion you heard, told you otherwise.

"Mama, come get me please!" She screamed, before hanging up. Tears were welling up in your eyes as you stood in front of your boss.

"I need to go and get my daughter! Please." You sobbed and he nodded. You thanked him before dashing out to your car and jumping in before starting it and speeding to your house. You called Jailee back.

"Baby girl, what's the address!?" You asked and she told you it in a barely audible tone. You nodded, hanging up and calling August.

"Baby, I'll be home a little later. He hit my child." You sighed, making a sharp turn.

"Hell nah! Come get me, I'm at ya' crib. Fuck that shit." He snarled. You nodded, hanging up the phone and driving straight to your house. When you got there, August was on the steps with a hoodie and some shorts on, with his Jordan's on. You noticed his fist were clenched and so was his jaw.

When he seen your car, he immediately walked down the stairs and hopped inside. You pulled off, speeding to get your daughter. On Jailee's side,the altercation was growing out of hand.

"Get out my face. Your spitting." She yelled at her dad. He didn't listen.

"Make me."

"This is why I don't like you now!" She yelled, pushing him. He stumbled back, before nodding and walking out of the room.

Jailee's tears quickly disappeared as she began snickering. Her father walked back in, snatching her tablet away. She jumped up.

"Give me!" She screamed at him.

"Get it, bitch." He snarled. She reached for it and he punched her in her thigh. She pushed him, as her eyes grew watery.

"Stop hitting me bitch!" She yelled in an angry tone. His girlfriend woke up out of her sleep, instantly taking Jai's side.

"Bry, leave her alone!" She yelled at him, waving her finger in his face.

"You know what Jailee, you get that shit for your whore ass mama. You ignorant little bitch." He snapped.

"You a dead beat." She laughed.

"I hope ya mama bring her bitch ass boyfriend, I should break your fucking face and have you in the hospital. Motherfucker you don't like me? I don't like you either." He taunted her. She shrugged, and waited for you to come.

Minutes later her phone rang and she seen August's Contact pop across the screen as "Dad " and when she seen it, she instantly knew, Aug was coming to throw hands. She answered.

"Baby, next time I call, come outside." You told her and she gave you and okay before hanging up.

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