Daddy? (Pt. 2)

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Kariah always knew this day would come, she hoped and prayed it didn't though, "Can you come inside? I don't need the whole block knowing my business." She muttered.

August nodded walking inside and closing the door behind him. He looked at Kareema one last time and frowned, Kariah walked over to her and they began talking.

"Baby, we're going to see Uncle Nyale and your cousin Nyi later on. I'm going to talk to an old friend, if you need me knock on mommy's room door. Okay?" She told Kareema.

"Okay mommy." She replied, going back to coloring. It was a German shepherd puppy laying next to her, his name tags read Tinkles.

Kariah stood up before walking upstairs with August trailing behind her, they both went into her bedroom and closed the door.

"How old is Kareema?" August asked. With him being 22, and Kariah being 21, they were together and had sex when they were 19 and 18.

"Three." Kariah responded, hoping that he didn't catch on. But he did.

"This my child, ain't it?" August asked, frowning and chuckling. You could here that he was angry.

"Yes." Kariah told him, looking at her feet.

"Fuck you ain't tell me for! You got her growing up and believing her daddy don't care when in reality her daddy ain't know!" He yelled. Kariah raised her eyebrow.

"I did tell you! Your the one who blocked my number because of the shit that happened between us. I did everything! I emailed, called, texted, even inboxed you on Facebook and dm'ed you on instagram. You wanna be childish and basically block me from your life, it was your fault." Kariah yelled back.

"No the fuck you didn't! Man, I'm taking her. I missed 3 years now you gon' miss them. Fuck outta here." August barked before walking towards the door. Kariah felt tears threatening to fall.

"Your not taking my child! We don't need you! You can't do that." Kariah sobbed, grabbing August by his arm. He turned around and shoved her.

"You right. I'll take you to court for her then."

"No, you won't win. You've been absent in her life for three whole years. For all she knows, your a stranger." Kariah lied. Her and Kareema would sit down and Kariah would explain to her what August's looked like.

"For all I know, your a hoe. What kid goes up to random people and ask if that's they dad?" August retorted.

"She doesn't! Bitch she asked you! Because- never mind. Fuck you." Kariah snarled. The two were so rapped up in the screaming match they were in, they didn't notice Kareema standing at the door, watching. She had a doll in her hands, with tears running down her face.

She was just a kid, but she was smart. She thought parents weren't supposed to talk to each other this way. And she damn sure knew men weren't supposed to call women out of their names. And you thought the the words she weren't supposed to let herself be called.

"Cause what!? Huh Kariah?" He asked. Kariah wiped her tears.

"None of your business."

"Tell me!" He yelled. She shook her head. August, grabbed her arm, pushing her against the wall.

"She knows who you are!" Kariah screamed, trying to push him away. August thought about it then began smiling. He thought Kareema didn't know him.

"Seriously?" He asked and Kariah nodded, still crying. The look an his face softened. He leaned down and softly kissed her lips, but she refused to kiss back.

She didn't want any old feelings to come back.

"Mommy?" Kareema whined. August let her go and she walked over to Kareema.

"Yes baby?" She asked, bending down. Kareema reached near her face with her tiny hands and wiped away her tears. After that, she wrapped her little arms around her mom's neck and hugged her. August looked at the two and smiled. He was still upset, but his little "family" made him happy.

Kareema let go and walked over to August, grabbing his finger and leading him to her room. Inside the room, it was pictures that she drew of the two. And the male in the picture always looked like August. Then she went over to her drawer and opened it, pulling out printed pictures of August. It was only like 6 but he was shocked.


Part 3?

August Alsina imaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant