Missing Piece (Pt. 3)

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You were sitting in the room with August. You were both sitting on the floor, asking each other questions about random things. But for course, August being a boy, he was about to ask you the question that everyone asked.

"Okay. What's your favorite food?" You asked and he shrugged.

"I like all foods, but are you a virgin?" He smirked and you folded your arms.

"No. But I've only had sex once." You told him honestly. He nodded. You weren't even going to ask him, because you knew the answer.

"So how many siblings you have?" You asked and you noticed him frown and look down.

"A lot." He tried to speak quickly. You noticed his voice crack.

"Were you the oldest?" You asked, raising your eyebrow.

"Can we just no talk about it?" He looked at you frowning. You smiled a little, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and hugging him.

"If you wanna talk about it I'm here." You whispered. He shook his head, but you felt your hoodie growing damp around your shoulder area.

"August, I can tell something is wrong. Your crying."

"No I'm not." He mumbled. You laughed.

"Talk to me about it." You pulled away, looking at him. He looked back at you and nodded. It was still that something about you that made him feel different.

"My brother got killed. His name was Melvin." He mumbled, he felt new tears well up in his eyes. And he hated showing emotions to females.

"Still a sensitive topic?" You asked, he nodded. He pulled you in for another hug, inhaling your perfume. You smiled a little, playing in his hair.

2 hours passed and you ended up falling asleep with August. You insisted on going home but he begged you to stay. So you gave in, laying on his bed and he laid his head on your stomach and soon after that you both drifted off to sleep. August's mom came home, and went up to his room because he wasn't answering his phone.

She softly knocked before opening it and when she seen you to laying there, sleeping she smiled. She was surprised that you were one of the many girls she's had to kick out for having sex in her house. She took a picture before closing the door and smiling.


4 months later and you and August were in an exclusive relationship, and you changed him for the better. He didn't stop skipping class but he cut the amount in half. He was passing with b's and was on the basketball team. With you, you still did what you normally did, and that was do all your work and pass. His mom loved you because she felt as though you were the push August needed all along. You were the missing piece to his puzzle.

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