Morning Surprises?!

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"Lex. Get up!" August yelled, hitting me with the pillow. I kept my eyes closed, pulling the covers over my head.

"Noooo, leave me alone." I whined. He snatched the covers off the bed making me sit up.

"Girl, I made you breakfast. Better eat it while it's hot." He laughed. I stretched before placing my feet in my bunny slippers and following behind him.

Inside the dinning room, the food was nice looking. As for the kitchen? It looked like someone was fighting in there. It was eggshells on the floor, pancake mix everywhere and dirty dishes piled in the sink.

August pulled out the chair for me, "Sit." He smiled. I sat down and he sat next to me.

He was hyped, but I was confused as to what he was so happy for. The entire time I ate, he watch and I noticed his eyes grow wide as I went to grab the glass of orange juice. I raised my eyebrow before putting the glass up to my lips.

I was drinking the juice and I felt something go down my throat, making me jump up and start couching. He bust out laughing and started patting my back. The shit wasn't funny because whatever it was, I almost swallowed it. I felt it come up as I went to grab a napkin to spit it out.


Nope, part 2?

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now