Hayden & Dean Sequel: Chapter 1 Preview: The Mr. & Mrs.

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4 hours later we leave the restaurant Sam made us go to. We walk into the street laughing. I don't know how I managed it, but I was able to eat dinner while never letting go of Paul or leaving Dean's side. We start to say our goodbye's to one another.

"Can't we just get our stuff and go back too?" I ask Dean jutting my lower lip out, while hugging Charlie. He and his brother let go from their embrace and Castiel moves to hug his new married friend. Sam hugs me.

"No, we are not driving through the night and going back to the bunker the night of our wedding" He says before hugging Charlie.

"So we're going back to our motel?" I ask him.

He sighs "can you stop trying to ruin all of my surprises" he smiles to me taking Paul from me.

"Don't worry" Castiel whispers into my ear while hugging me "he will be fine" he finishes before releasing me.

I smile to him "I know" I say goodbye to Paul and then he hands him over to Charlie and we watch as they walk to Charlie's car, get in, and drive away.

"So, where are we going?" I ask him putting my hand on my hip and crossing my arms in fake protest.

He rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the car. I lift the edge of my dress up as I start to walk as to not get the dress dirty. He gets in the car before me and starts it. I open the door as he says "listen to this baby purr" He rubs the steering wheel with the sleeve of his tux like he's cleaning it.

"She'll always be your baby" I mock him similarly like I did the first night we went out together.


Author's Note - I Hope you all enjoyed the first book! It finally came to me that I should just start a sequel to this story from here as Hayden & Dean finally got married! Above was a preview from the first chapter of the sequel! Go check out Hayden & Dean - A Tethered Heart (The sequel) to continue the story!

Also, please be active and like/comment on the story. I love reading your comments and it keeps me motivated to write more so I can publish more and faster!

Love you all <3

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