Chapter 29: Deanmon

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"He's walking towards you, head out!" I hear Sam yell into my ear.

I push away the strong grip of a drunk man and start to walk out. I reach the door and hear his voice, "playing hard to get" he laughs out. It takes everything in me not to turn around and face him. I walk into the alley way behind the bar, careful not to let him see me. "You shouldn't be out here with a body like that, it could be dangerous" he calls out to me.

"NOW!" Sam says into the phone. I stop walking and turn slowly.

Dean's eyes turn black once he recognizes me. Sam jumps out from where he was hiding and throws holy water at him. He burns, and he yells, and Sam continues to throw holy water on him until he is on his knees. Sam tries to cuff him but Dean laughs and launches him across the alley way into a garbage bin.

Sam isn't moving and he turns his attention to me with a smirk "couldn't let me go, huh?" he walks towards me.

"This isn't you, you won't kill me." I say to him firmly.

"Why? Because you were my girl?" He pouts his lip making fun of me. I don't respond. "There's been a lot of girls in my life darling, and there will be a lot more, only you are no longer one of them." He says as his steps pick up.

I pick of the pace of my steps backwards as he picks his up towards me. I trip and fall back to the ground. He gets closer and I look up to him.

"I love you, Dean." I try one more thing. He's standing above me now.

"I don't love you" he says pulling the first blade out of his sleeve. "Get up" he commands me. I slowly get up, my legs quivering beneath me. He takes two steps towards me and grabs me by the arm. He starts to pull me forward but Castiel walks out with angel blade in hand. Dean moves quickly and phis blade is now resting on my neck. They stare at each other and Castiel lowers his blade and moves aside. Dean walks backwards, eyes on Castiel and blade on me. He throws me into the trunk of a car and speeds off. I do my best to kick my way out, but it's to no avail. It's not long after that we stop. Minutes pass before he opens the trunk. I kick him in the stomach and jump out, running away. It doesn't take long before he catches up to me, grabbing my hair and tugging me towards a room. He throws me onto the bed and straddles me, putting all of his weight on me. I scratch, kick and try to bite but but he's too powerful. He ties my hands to the bed, rendering them useless.

"You should've let me go" he smirks ripping my shirt off with one tug. His eyes linger over my bra.

"Please don't do this" I beg.

"Somethings are worse than death" he laughs pulling at my pants, wriggling them off of me. "Come on, you love me." He mocks.

He stands up to undress himself unbuttoning his shirt "you'll have to live with the fact that your precious man, me, was all to willing to have some fun.." He starts to unbutton his pants "while my brother. My brother will have to live with the fact he couldn't save you." He smiles after saying that. He lowers his pants just a little and is on top of me again.

"Dean" I whimper to him, tears starting to form.

"Your tears won't stop me." He forces his lips against mine. Holding my head with one hand and fondling me with another. A few minutes pass of him trying to kiss me before he goes to move on. He tries to thrust himself in but I move to much. He stands up and buttons his pants "I usually like to make sure everyone is happy at the end. But I don't feel like I have the time for that today, maybe next time we'll have some fun." He picks up his shirt and as he does the door bursts open. His head turns quickly, eyes black, ready to fight. He looks at the table for the blade but Castiel blocks it.

"What! How?" He howls.

"Crowley's been a big help to us" Sam says throwing holy water on to Dean. He screams in agony and steams comes off his body. I inch as close to the headboard as possible trying to cover myself up. I watch in horror as brother cuffs brother "stop, it's over. Dean, it's over!" Sam urges him holding him down on the ground. Deans eyes are darker than they've ever been before as he looks up to his little brother holding him down.

Castiel comes over to me and unties my hands. I hold my self together in a ball. He looks at me with saddened eyes and shrugs out of his trench coat. He lays it next to me and walks Dean out of the room with Sam. When the door shuts behind them I get up quickly and run into the shower. I scrub every thing raw. I get out and look in the mirror. Tears still rolling down my face. I put the trench coat on and walk out of the room.

I walk over to Sam and Castiel and they are both looking at me with sad, pitiful eyes. "Hayden, what happened?" Sam asks

"Nothing happened Sam" I assure him looking through him

"But.." Castiel pipes in

"Nothing happened, you came before he could do anything" I lie to them. I won't let Dean get the satisfaction of hurting Sam like that too.

"We should get going" I say opening the back door to the impala. They look at each other and Sam shrugs. We get in the car and drive off.

"Are you sure you still want to use your blood? I can do it." Sam asks again, trying to be sympathetic.

I sigh "I'm sure. It needs to be me." I assure him. We stop at a church along the way for me to confess my sins again. We get back to the bunker and I go inside first. I'm not ready to see Dean's face again.

A while later Sam knocks on my door "Hayden?" He asks peaking his head in.

"Yea Sam?" I ask looking at myself in the mirror.

"We're ready when you are" he takes one step in.

I look at him through the mirror "can we start tomorrow? I'm exhausted" I fake a yawn.

"Sure" he says and walks out. I spend the entire night staring at myself in the mirror. Wishing he had just killed me.

Hayden & Dean: A Supernatural Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now