Chapter 62: Blow Out

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Things stay low key for another 4 days. Paul will not sleep in his crib anymore. When either of us try to put him in there he screams and cries. I'm finding it harder and harder as the days pass to keep these things from Dean. I asked Castiel to stop reading until they get back. I can't learn anything more about it without him with me for support.

I lay on the couch with Paul, trying to get him to sleep when Castiel comes running in.

"It's Dean!" He thrusts the phone my way.

"We got him!" I hear Dean say over speaker phone. I sit up straight and Castiel plops down next to me. "We got him Cas!" He says again, we can hear his smile over the phone

"Where was he?" Castiel asks

Sam chimes in "hiding out with some Navajo Indians in Arizona."

"What the?" I spit out. That is so random

"Not surprising. He was around similar people the first time we met him. Should've thought of it sooner" Dean adds "anyway, we'll be back soon! Driving straight through"

"Good. I miss you." I tell Dean. It sounded more desperate then I intend it too.

"Thank you Dean. Thank you Sam." Castiel says over the phone.

"Hey, can I talk to Hayden off speaker for a second?" Dean asks clicking himself off.

I look to Castiel who leaves the room with a little more pep then I've seen him have in a week.

"How is he?" Dean asks

"Well" I start to say "he'll be better when you guys get back here and Metatron gives us some answers"

"And what about you? Is everything okay?" He asks

I lie "oh yea, everything is good"

"I know you're lying. What's going on?" His concerned voice rings in my ears.

I bite my lower lip to stop myself from spilling. I take a deep breath and speak slowly "I just miss you, it's hard taking care of Paul without out.." I tell the partial truth

"You sure that's all?" He asks

"I'm sure" I force a smile, hoping he believes me

"I'll be back soon. I miss you guys too. It'll be better when we finish this grace thing" he tells me

"Mmmmhmm" I say into the phone, he doesn't know we have more problems now. "I love you."

"I love you too. See ya soon" he replies hanging up the phone. I place the cell on the table and lean back into the couch. One of the problems being that we've been lying to him.

I'm in Paul's room, feeding him when I hear the commotion upstairs. They must be dragging him inside through the living area to the dungeon.

I try to block out the noise by singing to Paul

"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
'Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved;
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed."

"Hey babe. You sounded beautiful!" I hear Dean say. the door pushes open and he has a smile on his muddy face.

"Hi" I whisper back, my face lighting up. I feel the tears begin to well and I quickly stand up to give him a hug to try and cover it up.

"Hey, hey" he pushes me back gently "what's wrong?"

I wipe away the falling tear drop "nothing, we just missed you" I adjust and move Paul up showing him his face.

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