Chapter 20: Distracting

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"Hayden! Get up!" Dean calls out to me. I roll over to feel him but he's not there. I open my eyes and look for him. "I figured out what we're after. Sam is on his way."

"What is it?" I question sitting up tiredly.

"A witch" he responds not stopping to talk further about it.

"Witch? I thought it was a ghost." I return a bit confused now that it's switched.

"Something in the photos I saw. We have to go to the house now to confirm. Get dressed, I'll be in the car." And with that he opens and shuts the motel door, leaving me alone and confused. I change quickly, brush my teeth and throw my hair back in a braid. I quickly put on my running shoes and leave the room. Dean is waiting in the car. When he sees me he starts it up and as soon as I shut the door behind me, he peels out of the parking lot. We get to the house and he turns the car off. He turns to me and speaks in a hushed voice. "Your going to need to keep the wife busy while I look around." He looks at me.

"How? I'm not wearing a suit or anything. What am I suppose to do or say?" I panic a little

"I don't know, but I need to get in there. You'll think of something. Let's go." He opens his door and gets out. I don't want too but my feet are suddenly moving. He walks to the side of the house and nods encouragingly when I hesitate at the front step. I ring the door bell and look over where he was standing. He's not there. A woman answers the door shortly after.

"Can I help you" she asks

"Oh yes, are you Mrs. Attcot?" I ask.

"Yes" she answers squinting her eyes towards me not recognizing me.

"Hi. I'm Lara Joplin. I'm with the church down the road." I point to my left, hoping she doesn't push any further.

"Okay. What can I do for you?" She asks wiping her nose.

"Oh uhm" I say not sure what to say. I then see Dean behind her slowly sneaking passed. He shoots me a thumbs up and disappears behind a wall. She shuts the door a bit more when she notices that I'm looking inside. "Oh well I was just going for a run and I wanted to stop in and let you know that we are praying for you. We send our deepest condolences." She nods wiping her nose again with another tissue.

"Well, thank you I suppose. I really should get back inside" she says almost shutting the door.

"Wait" I panic. She stops suddenly waiting for me to answer.

"I lost someone too recently. I know how hard it can be to open up to others" I spill out to her. Her head turns and her eyes open as the door does just a bit. We stand in silence, she's waiting for more. "I lost my child. A baby actually." I tell her, her eyes turn soft.

"Oh I'm so sorry" she gapes putting her hand to her mouth.

"It's been really tough. I was looking forward to being a mother, yanno. And then it was just taken away from me. I mean, you were a wife so long and now you're just not. It's just not right." I say. She nods back to me and a tear rolls off her face. "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to make you cry." I then see Dean walk back into view and gives me a thumbs up, letting me know he either found what he was looking for or was finished looking. "I just wanted to give you an invitation to attend our church. It's helped me so much, I want you to know that you are not alone"

"Well, thank you Lara. That's very sweet. I'll think about it." She wipes her tear away and smiles softly.

"I'll let you get back to your day. Nice meeting you, I hope to see you there." I say stepping back.

"Nice to meet you too!" She hollers. I keep up the facade and run down the street. Dean drives by and picks me up 2 minutes later.

"Good job H" he says as I hop in.

"Find anything?" I ask

"Yup. Hex bag" he pulls out a ratty old bag tied together.

"What's that?"

He unties it and lays it on his lap "bunch of bones and junk witches put together. They put it somewhere there victim will be and cast a spell. It's how that guy died, it wasn't suicide at all." He wraps the bag up and burns it out of the car window. He pulls away and goes back to the motel.

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