Chapter 31: New News

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There's 10 minutes left until we inject Dean with my blood, one last time. This one will either cure him, or kill him. I walk back into the room Castiel and Sam are silently sitting. Slowly, unsure I even want to go back out there. I walk into the room and Castiel notices me first. "What's that you're holding?" He asks looking at my hands.

Sam's head lifts up and he stands up soon after he sees me "Hayden" his voice rings firmly.

I take a deep breath and move my fingers away, my eyes float over the stick and there it is, 2 lines.
"I'm pregnant" I look between them, their faces just as shocked as mine.

"What?" Sam spits out instantly after walking next to me to take a look. I sit down slowly, allowing him to see it.

"We have to go get ready to inject Dean again" Castiel says to us both.

"We can't! What if this is why he's dying! What if it's because she's pregnant" Sam rubs his hand through his hair.

"What if it's not?" Castiel returns back "this could be curing him just as much."

"We have to stop! We will let him heal and then we will do it again. Only with my blood." Sam yells walking out of the room.

"SAM!" Castiel yells out. He looks to me as if to ask if I'm going to stay there and I nod. He follows Sam out. I sit there for another minute then get up and leave the room, never intending to stop.

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