Chapter 67: Travel

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After Dean puts Paul to bed we come together in the main room where Sam will tell us what they figured out. Dean sits next to me; hand on my knee as we wait for him to speak.

"Okay, so Dean needs to obtain an innocent mind, we learned that from the book" he starts off and Dean quickly interrupts.

"Yea, how the hell am I suppose to get my brain as innocent as a baby?"

"That's the thing!" Sam chirps in with a smile on his face "it doesn't need to be as innocent as a babies, it needs to be innocent for a man!"

"Huh?" I shrug at the good news "what does that even mean?" I follow with the question Dean and I are both thinking.

"I made a few phone calls and had Charlie do some digging, there's this retired pastor in Idaho that went underground after Lucifer rose the first time. He's been studying different heavenly works since then, including the Mark of Cain!" Sam explains, our eyes wide with wonder as he speaks "a man can complete the task of innocence by following the commandments outlined through out the bible." He finishes explaining with the same smile he started it with.

"Love thy neighbor bullshit commandments?" Dean speaks out

"It is not bullshit, Dean," Castiel finally adds to the conversation.

"Sorry" he says to the angel with no real meaning behind it "so if I follow through with these commandments, we can mix our blood and the mark will be gone?" 

"So it seems" Sam nods to his brother and Dean quickly stands up and embraces his brother in a tight hug.

"It's not as simple as you may think, Dean." Castiel utters when the brothers loosen their embrace. "The commandments were laws that our Father made to teach and lead mankind to Him. When one looks at the commandments, it's suppose to be a reminder that you have broken them and will always fall short of His glory. Although you don't deserve it, you have His undying love and forgiveness. "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered."" He finishes quoting scripture.

"So God made up these rules, that are impossible to follow just so He can be the one to forgive us?" Dean asks in return in an annoyed tone.

Castiel shakes his head "they are not impossible, they are just impossible to maintain. Man will always sin; God will always forgive. The hard part will be following all 10 of these commandments at once, honoring each one until we can get your blood."

"I'll make it happen" Dean responds with determination. He turns to me and repeats, "I'll make it happen." I nod my head at him and smirk because I know he will give everything he has to do so.

He leaves the room and the 3 of us stay behind. "Where do we even begin?" I ask them when he's long gone.

"Well, I think you two should go meet with this pastor. He has a lot of incite on how to follow the commandments. Then whenever Dean is ready, he just has to try and follow them" Sam puts plainly

"Can't Cas do it" I ask not wanting to leave the bunker

Castiel's mouth forms into a hard line of disagreement before he speaks "I'm an angel, the commandments don't apply to me and I would not know where to have Dean start. Sam has the right idea, talking with the pastor would be the best way to go"

"Alright. I guess we're going to Idaho." I shrug my shoulders as I wipe my sweaty palms across my pants. I go to find Dean, taking comfort in the dim lit halls. I know this isn't going to be easy for him, and he is going to need everyone's support to achieve success.

Our bedroom door is cracked open, before I go to open it, I hear Dean speaking lowly. I put my ear closer to the opening and listen "Are these the type of games you play? Making humans jump through hoops to get your forgiveness, that's some righteous work." My head rests against the wall as I wait for more "Sam and I have given so much, and you still won't help. How am I supposed to do this when you're not even listening? Who am I kidding, you're not even there." I hear his feet scrape against the floor as he stands, the bed creaking under his weight.

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