Chapter 28: Our Plan

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We search for weeks and don't get anywhere. We use all resources we can. I tag along everywhere Sam and Castiel go. He has to be somewhere. Sam starts to push us away and go off on his own. Castiel and I search together, although we're not the best hunters we do what we can. One night, we are working our way through bars in a town east of Little Rock. We were given so many false hints from demons as to where he could be, but we followed through with every single one of them. Not wanting to take a chance on giving up on a real clue. I walk in to another location and walk over to the bar. I order a soda and sit down on a stool. I drink half of it without seeing anything and decide to move on to the next one. As I'm about to walk out the door a familiar voice starts to sing out. I turn slowly and duck behind some people.

"I'm too sexy for my shirt.." He starts to sing. My face blushes in anger and embarrassment. I duck outside the door quickly and reach for my phone. A short stout man in a suit appears in front of me.

"Hello love."

"Crowley" I gander at him. I never got a good look that one time I saw him before and give him a once over. Balding, scuffed face, puffed cheeks and a devious smile fit for the king of hell.

"Like what you see?" He smirks. I roll my eyes in return.

"Do you need something, or just here to ruin my life some more?" I spit out putting my hands on my hip.

"On the contrary dear, who do you think got Dean here to begin with" he smiles.

"What do you mean?" I squint in his direction

"Take him with you. You can have him back" he explains.

"What's in it for you?" I question knowing not to trust a demon, especially the king of hell.

"You get him out of the way. He's not really good-- for business" he drags out the last word.

"And I'm suppose to trust you?" I ask

"Trust me, don't trust me just take the Winchester and be gone" he finishes and disappears. I stay stunned for a few more seconds and call Sam.

"I can be there in a few hours! Don't lose him!" He says in the phone.

"He's a demon! If he even sees me he'll just disappear or kill me!" I quickly return to him

"Then don't let him he see you!" He returns and hangs up the phone. I call Castiel and he will be here soon to meet me. I slink bank inside the bar and find another place to stand and hide. Castiel walks in the bar, not very secretly. Luckily, Dean was stumbling back to the bar for another drink and wasn't in view of the door. I wave him over quickly and gesture my hands for him to stay low. Of course he took it literally and bucked his knees to shrink. I try not to smile but a little one creeps across my face. I shake my head slightly. He takes things so literally. He slinks next to me and I order two drinks.

"What are we going to do?" He asks taking a hold of the beer I ordered for him.

"Sam said to wait, keep an eye on him. He should be here before closing." I explain drinking my drink.

He sips his "what if he leaves?"

"Then we follow him" I say flatly.

Dean does shot after shot and drinks beer after beer. He sings 4 more awful karaoke songs through the night and hits on 4 different woman after each one. I'm sick to my stomach watching and want to punch him in the face all over again. I remind myself about my injured finger and that nothing I would be able to do physically would hurt him.

"This is making you uncomfortable?" Castiel finally says looking to me.

"He's such a pig" I choke out "Dean wouldn't do this to me, not the real Dean" I try to convince myself.

"Well good thing it's not the real Dean." Sam's voice calls to us from a far. Castiel and I spot him at the same time and he nods his head in our direction.

"We need to get him out of the bar" Sam says when he's next to us.

"How?" I question.

"He's trying to hook up, let's give him someone to hook up with" Sam tries to explain. Me and Castiel look between us and are confused and our eyes find Sam's again. "You, Hayden" he points to me.

"But he can't know I'm here!" I whisper as I move closer in to him so he could hear me better.

"He won't. You're his type, obviously. Just dance with a few other guys, you'll catch his eye from behind and when he comes to you let him follow you outside to the back alley and then we get him from there." He explains

"How am I suppose to know when he's walking to me?" I give him a look. He goes into his jacket pocket and pulls out 2 blue tooth head pieces and smiles. I shrug out of my jacket and pass it over to Castiel. I take out my hair and let the curls fall over my back. I use the hair tie to tie up the plaid shirt I'm wearing showing some skin I finish by unbuttoning one to many buttons on the shirt.

"Here I go." I wave them off. I turn on my heels and walk into the crowd. I find a spot close enough to the door to get out before he reaches me but still crowded enough he couldn't come around to face me. I start to dance and find my self being grabbed pretty quickly after, thrusting hips with strangers.

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