Chapter 30: Injected

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I walk in to the dungeon the next day and go straight to Sam. Dean is rambling on profanities and other hurtful words to all 3 of us.

"You need to confess anything before you start this?" Sam asks holding the syringe.

"Already did" I simply say. He sticks my arm, drawing the blood and walks over to Dean

"You still think the whores blood is going to cure me" he growls out after and Sam simply sticks him with the blood. He screams in agony and I walk out of the room. We continue for another 5 hours. After the 5th time, Dean is finally becoming weak. After he's injected his head drops. Sam drops his eyes when he's done and throws the syringe on to the metal cart, it pings as it lands. He leaves the room and I follow him. He pours himself a glass of whiskey and sits down.

"You remind me of him" I sit across from him

"It's not working like it did before" Sam says after taking a gulp.

I look at him confused "what do you mean?"

"I think we're killing him" his eyes glaze over like he's holding back tears.

"Is there any other way" I ask, silently praying. He shakes his head no. "So we might kill him?" I whisper.

"Yes" he says but adds on "but if it doesn't work, we can't let him go on being a demon."

"I know" I sigh out "hopefully this works, it's all we have" I get back up and walk back to the room.
We wait and do the 6th hour. Sam and Castiel leave the room and I sit in the corner, head down, waiting.

About half an hour later Dean speaks up. His voice is low "you know this is killing me"

"I know" I return to him.

"You want to kill me?" He says looking up, his eyes green.

"Does it matter what I want?" I throw back to him

"No" he simply says and we sit in silence again. We finish the 7th hour and all 3 of us leave the room. None of us can take to see the pain it's causing him. We sit in silence. As time ticks by my stomach knots even further. There's something I've been putting off doing for a few hours now. Something I need to do. I stand up and head towards my room.

"Where are you going?" Sam looks up to me with tired eyes.

"I'll be right back. 5 minutes." I assure and walk out.

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