Chapter 68: Commandment

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We pull up to a church that has had better years. The stained glass windows are now broken with rock holes and the exterior is painted with mold and ivory. The weeds are grown up to our knee's and there is a stained cross against the top of the church, where a real one once was. Dean stands at the edge of the sidewalk staring onto the church.

"here we go" he says out loud, his words flowing with the wind. I wait for him to take a step forward but he stays where he is. I grab a hold of his hand and begin the walk down the cracked concrete. We reach the door after 18 steps and I push it open. As both doors creak open we stare ahead, waiting to see a desolate, rotted inside. As the sun shines through the broken glass our eyes adjust to the beautiful congregation space in front of us. The pews are painted a crisp white, matching the inside pillars and walls. The wood around them are a deep mahogany, making everything around it brighter. The floor is all tile, sparkling as if it was just waxed and cleaned. We take slow steps down the isle towards the alter. The large arch window lets in more light, it beams light over the statue of Jesus on the cross that sits s on a stand behind the podium. We look at each other with confused eyes before turning them away to glare more at the beauty of this place. "Helllloo!" Dean hollers out, his voice echoes through the empty building. We wait for a response, but nothing comes. When our eyes connect we both shrug and Dean then moves around some more, his hand grasping the knife we picked up along the way. He moves over to a door that's in the back of the church and his head nods for me to follow him. I do so quietly and he pushes the door open slowly. We begin our descent down into a basement and pause whenever a stair creaks underneath our feet. Dean reaches the bottom of the stairs first and he quickly jolts his body to the right and forces the knife in front of him in fighting position. I stay where I am, knowing he doesn't want me to move into eye sight.

"What do you want?" an old voice emits from the darkness.

"We're looking for Pastor Gideon" Dean says loudly, asserting himself as powerful.

"Who else is here?" I hear a follow up question.

I look at Dean who's eyes are fighting turning to me. He wants me to stay quiet, he knows he made a mistake saying 'we're' and is ready to defend and protect me if necessary. The rational part of my brain kicks in and I remember that Dean is suppose to be there, he didn't know he would bring someone else. I step down from where I am hidden with my hands up, as to not pose a threat, "I'm Hayden. I'm Dean's girlfriend." I smile softly towards the older gentleman.

His eyes squint "no, no, Sam did not say he would be with anyone else. What are you trying to pull?" He demands.

"nothing, there was just a communication error" I stare at the man holding a shotgun. Dean's arms are still tense as the man focuses the gun on me. I keep my hands up defenseless and take a step forward.

"Stop! Stop right there!"The gun jerks forward to enforce his power.

Dean's hand jerks forward a little bit, his face contorted with anger and determination to protect us. I turn my head to Dean "It's alright, put the knife down." I tell him.

His eyes widen "no" he says flatly.

"Dean, this isn't going anywhere. We're in his church, put down the knife" I explain.

He sighs, so I know he is considering it, a few moments pass before he slowly lowers his knife.

"eh, eh, on the ground. Kick it over!" The man says as Dean was reaching to put it in his belt loop. Dean's eyes continue to bulge with anger but he does as the man says. The man slowly picks up our only form of defense while keeping the gun trained on me.

"Can we call Sam, and you can ask him all about me?" The man considers it before nodding once. Dean takes out his cell phone slowly as the man adjusts his gun back on me. He dials Sam's number and then puts it on speaker phone.

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