Chapter 45: Baby Names

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2 weeks go by and Dean gets back from a hunt on a Tuesday afternoon. He comes into the room and goes straight to my stomach. "Hey there big guy" he says. I smile as I watch him talk to my growing tummy. He looks up to me and gives me an inquisitive stare "what's that?" He looks down at my hand

"The bible" I say back to him matter of factly.

"And you're reading the bible why?" Another question comes off his lips.

I close the book "I was thinking about baby names, and remembered this story from when I was a kid so I wanted to look into again." I start to explain. His eyes stay squinted from his spot near my belly and he waits for more

"So, before Paul was an apostle he actually persecuted followers of Jesus. Jesus came to him in a great light that blinded him. When he finally saw again 3 days later he believed that Jesus of Nazareth was the son of God" I shorten the story for him.

"And why does this matter?" Dean asks not following or seeming to care for the story.

"He was a bad guy, but Jesus saw past his flaws and used him. Jesus saw the good in him and changed him. Our son will have both good, the mark of an angel" I touch his shoulder "and bad, the mark of Cain" my eyes flutter to his other arm. "He can be like Paul, but no matter what you or I believe, I want him to have a name he can look into, and understand himself" I finish saying. "I want him to know how important he is."

"Paul Winchester" he looks down to my stomach and then back up to me "it's got a ring to it" he leans up and kisses me.

I beam happily "and his middle name will be for his father" I rub my hand across his hair.

"Paul Dean Winchester?" He asks sitting up. "Hell no, no child of mine is gonna be named after some food lady who uses butter for everything" his eyes serious.

"Okay, you're right. I didn't think that one through" I shrug my shoulders chuckling. He smiles when I agree and gives me a hug "but think about Paul, okay?" I ask him.

"Paul" he says walking out of the room to himself contemplating the choice.

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