Chapter 12: Needed

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He returns 4 days later. It's a little after midnight when he gets back. He walks into my room and slips into the bed. Although the lights were off I was awake. I turn to face him and whisper "how was it?" I ask making sure to keep space between us.

"Mmmm" he says not responding.

"Everything okay?" I ask concerned

"I need you" he says. I take that as a hint and move closer to him. I grab his hand and move it under my shirt to my breasts. He moves his hands away "not like that" he returns to me. He grabs my face and pulls me in close for a deep long kiss. We kiss awhile longer before we have sex. Except this time it's nothing fun, fast, or hard. It's passionate. He gently thrusts his hips when he's in me. He's soft and caring. He kisses me gently between my collarbone. He asks me if what he is doing okay. We stay in the same position the entire time. We don't use protection. When we are finished we cuddle. He holds me in his arms and I can feel his muscles relax when he finally falls asleep. A bit later I'm able to wriggle out of his grasp and tip toe out of the room. I didn't sleep much when Dean was gone. I usually can fall asleep easily after sleeping with him. Tonight was different. My body felt different, my heart felt different. I make a cup of tea to calm my nerves. I go back into the bed and as soon as I lay down he rolls over and cuddles me again.

He wakes me up in the morning when he rolls out of bed. "What time is it?" I ask

"6" he says pulling up his pants over his boxer briefs.

"Jeeze, I fell asleep like 2 hours ago" I say rolling over and putting a pillow over my head. I hear the door shut and I peak. He's gone and I fall back asleep.

It's been 4 days since that night and we haven't slept together since then. He's been distant from me and I don't try to get closer. I'm sitting in the library with Castiel when Sam comes walking in "Cas, we need your help on this one"

"What is it?" He asks Sam. I look up from the book I'm reading and listen in.

"We think it's a lead on Crowley" he returns.

"Who?" I ask.

"the king of hell" Castiel tells me

"King of hell? Isn't lucifer the devil?" I ask in return.

"Not anymore" Sam returns.

"I want to come" I tell them.

"No Hayden" Dean says walking in

"You said next time" I fight back sounding like an 8 year old.

"Not on this one. It's too dangerous" he replies back. I go to speak up "that's it. No more discussion. You're staying here"

"Whatever" I say walking out of the room. I change quickly into a pair of running pants, sneakers, and a Tshirt. I sneak outside and into the crap car they leave out front. I wait a while longer and the three of them get into the impala and drive off. I start the car and follow them from a far. They pull into a gas station and I pull into one a little further up of the road. I wait for them to pull out and follow again. 11 hours later and they pull into a sleazy motel. They get 2 rooms. After 2 hours of nothing I decide to try and sleep in the back seat for a bit.

I hear a car start and I jolt awake. I look around and see the lights of the impala pulling out with 3 silhouettes in it. I turn the car on, it's 4 in the morning. I follow them to an old warehouse. They go inside and I follow as quietly as possible.

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