Chapter 54: Cain

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I open the metal door and it makes a loud creaking sound. So much for sneaking in, I listen to the echo fade away. There's silence following it. Something feels off, worse then the feeling I have around Angels and Demons. I slowly place the bag down and unzip it. I reach around and find the handle, it feeling comfortable in my hand. I pull it out

"Bloody hell! What are you doing with that thing?" Crowley shakes and steps back from me

I stare at him intently "can't do anything with it anyway.. Let's move." He says walking ahead of me.

He doesn't know about the baby having the mark. He walks in front of me and I try to concentrate on his bald spot, instead of the freckles on his neck that I want to puncture with the blade.

We find a stairwell and start to walk upstairs. Every stair creaking under our weight. Crowley gets to the top and freezes. I step up and see the brothers on their knees, Cain standing above them welding a knife. Castiel is entrapped in a circle of flames. All eyes are on us.

Crowley leans over and whispers to me"This is one reunion I do not want to be apart of. You'll hear from me about the blade." And he's gone

"What are you doing here?" Dean shouts, blood falling from his face onto a pile on the ground.

"What are you doing? You don't kill" I make my voice shake to throw him off. My arm behind my back, hiding the blade from sight.

"If he dies" Cain gestures to Dean "the child won't have the mark.."

"You can't kill him with that" I remind him

"Why do you think they are still alive, I've been waiting for you" a smile creeps onto his face. I don't respond. "Go on, I know you have it" he nods towards me.

I lower my arm "and I'm suppose to just hand it over?" I growl, he won't kill Dean, he won't.

"Of course not" he stretches out his arm and the blade shakes in my hand. I grip onto it tightly and stare at Cain. Seconds go by and my grip doesn't loosen, his face begins to contort into confusion.

"This blade isn't leaving my hand!" I yell out to him

"I don't understand" he says still trying for the blade

"You thought the mark would be stagnant until the baby was born? Of course it isn't, it's pulsing through me too" my smile grows as his eyes flutter at the realization

"Well, what are you waiting for then?" He asks lowering the knife in his hand. Sam and Dean slowly standing up and Cain walks closer to me.

"Hayden! Give me the blade!" Dean is reaching for it now, it's shakes again in my hand at his desire for it.

"No" my eyes grow dark with anticipation as Cain gets closer. Dean runs ahead and jumps to tackle him, but he anticipates it and slams him against a wall, eyes turn demon black.

"You think you can fight me? Look at you. Give me the blade and I'll spare your life." He speaks slowly like his steps "your child will not be as lucky"

I hiss back to him "I don't need to be spared"

"Hayden!" Deans voice is low. I see Sam and Castiel muttering to one another behind him but my eyes are fixated on Cain, inching close and closer.

He gets a few feet away from me and drops to his knees "go ahead" he lowers his head for me to strike.

"Don't do this Hayden! This isn't you!" Dean yells from across the room

"Of course it's me.. This is what I'm becoming.." I start to raise my arm

"Let me do this, you don't want this on your hands!" He tries to bargain with me

I lift my eyes to his quickly "it's too late for that" I say. His eyes are sad but I could care less. All I want to do is puncture Cain's heart with the blade.

"It's not too late Hayden.." He walks closer to me. I'm not concerned about it, he can't do anything to me with the blade in my hand. I'm in control. "You don't have to do this, you can just walk away. You need to walk away" he gets closer.

I get more angry as he speaks and I feel the blood boil inside of me "you don't get to be the one to kill him!" I grit through my teeth lowering the blade unfocused "he gave you the mark, which ultimately gave him the mark.. And I'm the one in between. I have just as much of a right to kill him as you do!" I continue "who knows what's going to happen to me after this, no one thinks of that! It's all about curing Dean, curing the baby, don't worry about the host!" I let lose my insecurities. Cain adjusts on his knees and my eyes fixate on him again. Dean is basically next to Cain now. "I'm going to do something for myself.." I say.

I raise the blade up and at the same time Dean is lunging at me. He swings me against the wall hard but the blade stays in my hand. I try to move it but I'm suddenly feeling a pinch in my neck. My body begins to relax and a sense of calm rushes over me. "Dean" I basically whisper as the realization sets in.

"It's okay, you're okay.." I look down at his hand and see a syringe with just a little bit of something blue showing. I look to my other hand and see the blade.

"Dean.. I, I.." I can't get out the words.

"It's okay" he laces his hands around the edge of the blade and I let it go out of my hands.

Dean is grabbed from behind and tossed across the room. His hand whacking me in the face as he flies. I fall to the ground grabbing at it feeling the blood. Sam rushes over to help me.

"Dean!" I croak out looking behind him seeing him fight Cain for the blade.

"Dean!" Sam whips his head around remembering his brother.

"Sam!" Castiel yells from the other side of the room, still trapped inside the holy circle. Sam looks to me and I nod. I grab the bottom of my stomach as I watch everything unfold in front of me. Sam stomps out part of the fire around Cas and he is instantly at deans side.

I stand helplessly against the wall, watching Dean reach for the blade. Cain is now on the floor. Everyone's eyes on Dean as he raises the blade high above his head. My eyes widen at his arms forcefully swing down and the blade enters through Cain, puncturing his heart. Cain lets out a blood curdling cry, as do I, only no one can hear mine over his. I fall to the ground in pain as something wet drips down my leg. A shadow stands over me and I look up for Dean. Only it's not Dean, it's Crowley.

Hayden & Dean: A Supernatural Love StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя