Chapter 33: Removing The Mark

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The next day Dean comes around to talk. I still don't know what to say to him and ask to be left alone. He obliges and let's me be. I stay in the bedroom and contemplate everything. Demon Dean, my Dean, what he did, being pregnant. I don't know what to do, or where to look for any sort of answers. I lay in bed and I know I need to talk to Dean soon. I close my eyes and try to think back to simpler times. I crawl out of bed at 5 in the morning unable to get any real sleep. I walk out of the room and find Dean in his usual spot. Drinking whiskey at the table. I walk over and sit down across from him. He looks up at me and just stares. His green eyes burn into me and I start to get uncomfortable. "Dean" my eyes avert from him as I say his name.

"You know everything I did, everything I said, wasn't me, right?" He assures

I nod "I don't know if that makes it worse or not. And what you did--" I trail off looking at the wooden table, following the distressed lines.

"Wasn't me" he adds "Hayden. I didn't feel when I was.." He pauses "when I was a demon."

"I don't know what's gonna happen with us Dean, but I can't even think about us right now. We need to figure out about this baby." I advised him.

"What's there to figure out?" He gives me a look.

"I shouldn't be pregnant but I am. How is that going to work out?" I questioned. "We need to go to a doctor" I finish.

"We need to see someone else first" he stands up and pours himself another drink. I sit, waiting for him to tell me who. "Cain" he downs the entire glass and my eyes open wide.

"I don't think that's a good idea" I say looking down to his arm.

"Maybe he'll have answers" Dean shrugs "maybe he won't."

"And he's safe to be around?" I question

"He doesn't kill anymore. We will be fine." He says and sits back down "we can go today. Take a couple hours to get there."

"Fine" I recited to him. "But I'll drive" I push myself out of the chair and leave the room. I change, pack a bag, and walk back out to wait for Dean. An hour passes before he's ready. We walk outside and I go to the impala but he goes over to my jeep. He gives me a look and I give him one back. "We're taking the impala" I insist.

"Not unless I'm driving" he insists back. I stare at him and he stares at me. I won't cave and after a few minutes standing there he grunts through his teeth "fine". He walks over and gets in the passenger side of the impala. The beginning of the ride is silent, not even music is playing. Dean tries his best at making small talk but I avoid every advance. He finally gives up and plays old rock on his radio. It's take a while but we finally pull up to a small ranch house.

"This is it?" I ask looking around

"Yup" he says opening the door before I even turn it off. He puts his hands on top of the car and looks at me "stay behind me okay" his eyes ooze with compassion. I look away from him, not agreeing but wait for him to walk forward. We walk slowly to the front door and he knocks. After a few moments waiting, the door opens and an older man is on the other side.

"Hello Dean" he says leaving the door open and walking back inside. Dean follows him so I follow Dean. We walk into a living room area and sit down. Cain across from us. "This is her" he nods towards me while looking at Dean.

"Yea" he says staring back at Cain. I turn to him for answers but he doesn't look back to me.

"Why are you here Dean? I heard you became a demon. But here you are, human?" Cain's tone fluctuates, asking a question. I stare at the beard the man is stroking, grey with age and something more.

"Purified blood, hours of torture, wasn't comfortable" Dean adjusts. I give him a glare and he changes the topic "we need to talk to you about something" he says. Cain's eyes stay trained on Dean. "Well uh, Hayden is pregnant and she conceived after I took on the mark." He finishes

"Have you been in contact with the first blade yet, before she concieved?" He asks Dean. My head turns to him, unsure of the answer.

"Yes" he says.

"I see. Were you a demon?" He asks.

"Not when she got pregnant" Dean states instantly.

"I see." Cain says standing up giving him an odd look. He turns his back to us and walks over to a picture and holds it.

"Who's that?" I speak softly.

"Her name was Colette" Cain returns to me "she was my one love."

"And she passed away?" I ask him. Dean's eyes widen as I ask questions, but I ignore it.

"Brutally, yes." He confirms

"I'm sorry. Did you have children?" I ask standing up walking over to him. I get close enough to see the woman in the photo. She's beautiful.

"Never wanted any" he reported lowering the photo back on to the mantle.

"Why?" I ask

He spins around quickly, eyes dark, and grabs ahold of me, hands on my neck ready to twist it "because of the mark!" He growls. Deans on his feet, first blade raised in hand, ready to attack.

"Let her go Cain!" He yells. My breathing comes out panted, scared.

"You have asked yourself how to get rid of the mark, yes?" Cain inquires to us. Dean stares at him, not responding. I whimper a simple yes to his question. "The mark was branded once I killed my brother. The mark represents murder and death. There is only one thing that can counter that.." He stops explaining. I look around confused, unsure of what he means. Deans eyes widen.

"Life" Dean whispers. My eyes widen as well, tears begin to well in my eyes.

"No!" I shout out and Cain jerks my head a bit to calm me.

"Yes, life. The mark will be passed on from Dean to your child. Dean will no longer bare the burden, but your child will" he finally explains. "There was no reason to have a child with Colette, who should want to raise a child of murder" he hisses towards Dean.

"Let. Her. Go" Dean cautions him. Cain's grip loosens and he begins to let me go. I slowly move away, Dean lowering the blade. Before I reach Dean Cain's hand is gripping my wrist and he tugs it so I'm facing him, I can see Dean getting into a fighting stance again. Cain spits to me in a hushed tone only I can hear "take care of it" and he lets me go. I go quickly over to Dean and we start to walk out.

"Don't let me see that blade again Dean!" Cain calls out as we reach the door. Neither of us respond and we walk to the car. The rain pelting me, every drop numbing my body.

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