Chapter 44: Boy or Girl

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More weeks begin to blur together as Dean and I rebuild our relationship. Dean continues to go on hunts with Sam, I keep the blade hidden, and we stay open with each other. Dean confides in me when he feels like he struggling with the mark, and I confide in him when I have bad days.

The day has come, and we are finally going to find out what the sex of the baby will be. Dean and I actually discussed it this time and we want to know what we will be having. We need to be prepared for something, since everything else is unknown. We go to the same doctor and wait in the same office and chair as the first time.

"This is all so familiar." I say out to Dean and he holds my hand.

"It's not comfortable" He looks at me.

"I miss her" I say rubbing my stomach thinking of our last child.

"I do too, every day" he admits to me. My eyes begin to tear at his confession and he comes over and kisses me softly.

"No need to get emotional!" He chuckles to me wiping away a tear.

"Can't help it, it's not me, it's the hormones!" I say to him jokingly.

He laughs and sits back down "you get to blame everything on the hormons! When will that ever end?"

"After I go through menopause, I suppose" I joke to him.

His smile turns into horror at the word and he utters "ewwww"

The doctor walks in and smiles at us her usual smile "Your labs look good, everything seems to going alright. The heart beat is still pretty strong and fast so we would like you to come back a little more often than you have been, just to be safe." She says. "So, you guys are wanting to find out the gender today, yes?" She asks getting her gloves on.

"Yes!" Dean and I say in unison. She rubs my stomach with the cold jelly and begins to move the wand around.

"See right here" she points to the screen a few moments later, Dean and I both nod at her hand she's pointing with "that is what tells us if it's a boy or a girl. And congratulations, it's a boy!" She says out loud.

"Just like his father" Dean laughs out loud squeezing my hand. I slap him across the arm with my other hand and he looks at me "what?" I smile and look back to the screen.

"Would you like a photo?" the doctor asks.

"Yes, please!" I nod my head towards her. She finished up and I clean off my stomach. She leaves the room and when she returns she has the black and white sonagram of our son.

"Congraulations you two, it's going to be a boy" she hands off the photo to Dean who leans down to show me.

"It's a boy!" His smile widens before his lips find mine.

We get back to the bunker and Dean finds his brother and Castiel right away.

"It's a boy!" He says hugging them both tightly. Sam pats Dean on the back, clearly uncomfortable from the hug and Castiel just stands awkwardly embraced. I cover my mouth to laugh.

"It's a boy you guys" I say in a high pitch voice when they all let go of him and I get hugs of my own.

"Any clue on what you want to name him? Sams a pretty great name!" Sam jokes with us

"Yea right! That'll be the day!" Dean laughs back.

"No name ideas yet. Guess we can look into reading some books or something" I say to the three of them.

Dean rolls his eyes "More books, there's always more books!" I pat him on the shoulder and walk out of the room to shower.

Hayden & Dean: A Supernatural Love StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz