Chapter 23: Our Pasts

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I wake up and Dean is not in bed, as usual. I walk to the kitchen where I assume he will be and find him there. I smile at him stuffing his face with cereal.

"Want some?" He speaks with his mouth full.

"Sure!" I go over and grab a bowl. He pours me the cereal and when he goes to poor the milk I stop him. He raises his eyebrows. "I don't like milk with my cereal" I explain simply.

"What!" His mouth gapes open and he scoops another spoonful in there. "Who doesn't like cereal with milk? That's absurd." He asks with food in his mouth.

I shrug and put a spoonful of dry cereal into my mouth. "One of the many things you don't know about me."

"Lucky that's not a deal breaker. What else you got?" He asks

"You go first!" I scoop another bite in.

"Well since we're on the topic of food, I have to know, please tell me you eat pie!" He looks at me sideways.

"Yuck. I hate pie!" I confess to him. His puts his hand over his heart like he's just been shot. "BUT I do make them, and I'm pretty darn good at it!" I finish.

"How do you not eat pie but can cook em?" He asks

"I'm the child of a NYC Wasp. I'm suppose to be a housewife. I can cook anything!" I explain to him.

"WASP?" He asks smiling

I don't want to get into that now so I say, "A story for another time. Let's stick to food right now."

"How come you've never cooked me one of these amazing meals?" He slurps the milk from his bowl.

"I cooked that one meal, awhile back" I say reminding him of the night we told Sam and Castiel we are expecting.

"Well why don't you cook just for me tonight?" He asks innocently. "With pie!" He adds in before I commit.

"Sure. That'd be fun." I say. He rubs my back as he passes by and I sit there wondering what to make.

Hours later and a big mess in the kitchen, I call Dean in for dinner. He walks in moments after I call
"What have we here?" He walks in licking his lips. He takes a seat at his normal spot and I stand behind him explaining everything I made.

"Okay so we will start with a crispy Orka salad" I point out its location. He gives me a look "or I will start off with the salad" I chuckle. "Dinner, I made bacon-wrapped pork tenderloin with a mushroom barley and celery root slaw. Finally for dessert I made Apple pie. With ice cream!" He looks up to me and smiles.

"This looks delicious H." He stands up slightly and gives me a peck.

"I'll warn you now. I had to get store bought crust! There wasn't enough time to make my own." I warn him "it'd be even better if it was home made" I beam.

"It'll be great. I know it" he says stabbing a pork loin onto his plate. He fills his plate with meat and sides and digs in. I watch him take a bite and smile. I dish some salad onto my plate and eat along with him.

"Can I tell you something?" I look at him sideways admiring the freckles on his face. There so perfectly placed.

"Of course, anything" he says with his mouth full. I sigh and try to think of the words to say. It's silent longer then I would like and Dean must've noticed it as well because he speaks up "what's it about?" He puts his fork down finishing a bite of food.

"My life in manhattan." I say sternly. His eyes stay the same, waiting for me to speak. "I said earlier that I was suppose to be a Wasp. A woman of high class. My family, their very wealthy. In fact, their wealthy enough that I never actually had a family. I'm the only child and my parents were never around. I was raised by nannies. Multiple nannies."

Hayden & Dean: A Supernatural Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang