Chapter 69: Things have to change

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We call Sam in the morning before we leave for the church. Although Dean and I made up, there was still a lingering tension between us.

"Hey, how's it going?" I hear him ask his brother through the phone. Dean puts it on speaker phone and sets it on the table.

"We're going to need some things" Dean speaks out while slipping on his boots. I wait patiently next to the list we wrote together last night, ready to read it off.

Sam doesn't answer but we hear shuffling and I know he's getting something to write with. When the shuffling is done he finally speaks up "go ahead"

"We need ID's, with our real information on it" I speak up first.

"uhh, what?" Sam questions. Dean informed me of his "death" years ago and I knew Sam would be thinking the Sam as he did.

I slowly explain "it's actually a good thing they think he's dead. If anything happens, he is just an all new Dean Winchester. Besides" I add on "with what he is going to do, he won't be getting caught up with the police."

"Alright, what else?" Sam asks.

"Well, we are going to move into the cabin, so that has to be the address for the licenses, and we will need it to be warded for safety before we can move Paul in there with us." I explain.

"You think that's a good idea?" Sam asks "He can just stay with me here."

I rolls my eyes with a smile "you're crazy if you think we'll be living my life without him for that long"

He chuckles at my response "understandable" he responds. "Anything else?"

"Can you clean the house of any weapons?" I ask next. Dean huffs at this question, but we already discussed it. It's too risky to have these things lying around for Dean to use. If something is to happen, I'll be the one who will have to protect us.

Sam hesitates his response "uhm, everything?"

"Yea." I bite my lip before adding in my last request, it's not one we wrote down on our list and I know Dean isn't going to be happy about it. "Also, last thing for now.." I exhale quickly "you gotta do the same thing to the Impala."

"What?!" Dean stands thrown off by the last request "No way! We can't change baby!" He protests.

"We have too, you can't be driving around with all of that in your car!" I explain my reasoning to him.

"It's fine, no one's going to know. We can't just get rid of everything Hayden!" He fights me.

I look at him sternly "alright, drive the Impala with it cleaned out, or drive something else when we get back?" giving him a choice.

"fine" he returns through gritted teeth. "Leave baby alone, I'll take a car from the garage" he tells his brother over the phone "but that doesn't mean you can drive her!" He adds quickly.

"Alright" Sam says back "I'll get on it."

"How's Paul?" I ask him.

"He's good, he's right here! Say hi to mom and dad, Paul!" You can hear Sam's smile through the phone. We hear some of Paul's cooing sounds and the both of us smile.

"Hi baby. I miss you so much!" I say over the phone to my son who's continuing to coo.

Dean speaks after me "I miss you too, son. We will be back as soon as we can. Thanks again Sammy."

"Anytime. I'll call back when it's all done. Good luck" Sam hangs up the phone.

We leave after that, and take a taxi to our destination. We pull up to the creepy outside of the church and I pay the cab driver his money. After he drives away, and the street is clear, we make our way to the back entrance we emerged from the day prior. Dean opens the cellar doors and walks in front of me quickly. We walk silently through the same halls as before and make our way back into the same seats. The pastor takes off his glasses and pushes his bible towards us. Dean and I look down and re-read the 10 tasks ahead.

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