Part 72: He Asks

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"Dean" I barely choke out above a whisper. My eyes find his and his smile is enormous as he waits there, on one knee. The water that has formed in my eyelids is pouring onto my cheeks. He's only a few feet in front of me, in a white button up and black slacks.

I take the 3 steps forward and he takes a hold of my hand "marry me?" He simply says. I nod my head up and down quickly.

"Of course" I finally get out the words. His smile somehow gets bigger and he quickly stands and hugs me, lifting me off the ground. He puts me down and I hear a different voice.

"Come with me!" Charlie pops out from the back of the church and waves me over. I look between her and Dean and he nods up and down for me to follow.

"Now?!" I question, my eyes wide with surprise. His smile is teeth less now but he nods to confirm.

I somehow manage to turn my body towards her but my feet don't move, I'm getting married now! Her smile widens and she comes over and takes my hand, dragging me to a back room. When the door shuts behind me and Charlie's eyes widen, I turn. Hanging on the door is a gorgeous floor length white dress.

"This is really happening?" I get out reaching to touch the lace.

"Yes! Now come on! We have to do your hair and make-up! Not like I'll be much help or anything, but you tell me what to do, and I'll do it! I'm your girl!" She rambles on nervously excited.

"Charlie, you're more than just my girl" I say turning my head to face her. Her eyes widen not following, so I explain further "you're my maid of honor."

She squeals for just a second before embracing me in a huge hug. When she lets go, she rambles on again, turning away from me and moving towards a vanity. I shake my head with pleasure and focus my eyes back on the dress. I move away slowly towards Charlie, to apply some make-up.

"So this is everything I was able to get my hands on. It's not much.." She shrugs looking down. I look down at my options and smile. "Good?" She asks me noticing.

"Perfect. I don't want a lot. I want to look like me to Dean." I say picking up the mascara. She watches me as I put on the mascara, eyeliner, and blush. Simple, like I usually wear.

"What do you want done to your hair?" She asks pulling multiple curling irons, rollers, and straighteners out of a bag.

"I'll just do some curls.." I say reaching over to grab one from her. She reaches out her hand and I take one and plug it in. I remove the shirt I'm wearing and wait a few more minutes for it to heat up. The butterflies in my stomach get stronger and I have to sit down. "Charlie, is there anything to drink?" I ask her putting my hand to my stomach trying to calm the nerves.

"I have water and champagne" She says pulling both out of the bag.

I smile "I'm going to say yes to both!" I say back to her. She nods and hands me the water bottle before turning away to open the champagne. She pours it into two plastic cups and we cheers.

"To you and Dean" She beams with joy.

"To me and Dean!" I smile back taking a sip. I drink half of the cup before I move on to my hair. It takes 35 minutes to do my hair and Charlie leaves the room once to let Dean know what's going on. When I finish, I move closer to the door and when I'm close enough I remove the jeans I'm wearing. I take the dress off the hanger gently and unzip the back. I step into the simple yet elegant gown and move it over my body. When my arms go through the straps, I take two steps back and move the hair away from my neck; signaling Charlie to help zipper me up. She does and I let my hair fall beyond my shoulders as I turn around.

Charlie gasps "wow" is all she can say.

"Really? You sure I look okay? It is my wedding day." I ask her looking down at the dress on me.

"Hayden, If Dean wasn't marrying you today, I would" She keeps her grin grabbing a hold of my arm.

I pull her in for a big hug "thank you" I say as I squeeze her tightly. I'm glad she's here. She hugs me back and when we let go she quickly moves around me and to the door.

"Okay, stay here, one minute" She holds up a finger before leaving the room. I take a deep breath and finish the cup of champagne. This is it. I'm getting married. There's a soft knock on the door "come in" I respond. Sam walks in and closes the door behind him.

"Can I have the honors?" He asks opening his arm for me to take. I walk over to him and give him a big hug "you look beautiful Hayden" He compliments me. It's not long after that I hear music playing, cuing us to go. "You ready to be a Winchester?" Sam asks looking down at me.

"I thought I already was!" I tease him. He laughs and opens the door. When I'm outside of the room, I can see Dean from the down the isle. He's standing at the end of the isle, with a suit jacket over his white button up. His eyes glistening the moment they connect with mine. My entire body tingles from the way he is looking at me. With every step I take, I feel warmth inside of me. When we are half way down the isle, I see Castiel standing next to Dean, holding a tiny little hand. The hand belongs to Paul, who's barely standing while leaning up against the angel in a cute little tuxedo! The tears I've been fighting back are now dripping down my face. I laugh while the tears fall. I reach the end of the isle and Sam gives my hand a squeeze. Him and Dean hug quickly and he takes his spot next to his brother, as the best man.

I wipe away the tears as they embrace and when Sam steps aside Dean takes a hold of both of my hands "you look stunning" he says through a smile.

"Thank you" I respond "you look great, too" I tell him. Pastor Gideon walks away from the organ and over to us where he begins talking.

After minutes of quoting scripture, and explaining the importance of marriage to God, he moves on to our part. Our vows. Sam brings forward two rings and hands them to Pastor Gideon. He gives one to Dean and he speaks first "Hayden, you know me better than anyone else in this world and somehow still you manage to love me. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you." His eyes don't avert from mine for a second, speaking directly from his heart, and the water works begin again as he slides the familiar ring onto my left hand. It's his mothers ring.

Pastor Gideon turns to me and I know it's my turn to say my vows. He hands me a ring I've never seen before. I choke up when I go to speak and clear out my throat "my promise to you is that I will walk with you, hand in hand, wherever our journey leads us, Forever." I slip the ring onto his finger.

"Dean Winchester, do you take this woman, Hayden Morrison, to be your wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do you part, as long as you both shall live?" Pastor Gideon asks Dean.

"I do" he says back.

"Hayden Morrison, do you take this man, Dean Winchester, to be your wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do you part, as long as you both shall live?" Pastor Gideon asks me now.

"I do" I say back as well, feeling the weight of something being lifted off of me.

"Hayden and Dean, through their words today, have joined together in holy wedlock. Because they have exchanged their vows before God and these witnesses, have pledged their commitment each to the other, and have declared the same by joining hands and by exchanging rings, I now pronounce that they are husband and wife. Those whom God hath joined together, let no one put asunder. You may now kiss the bride!"

Although there are only a few people in the room, it explodes with clapping and shouting. Dean reaches for me and embraces his hand around my face, planting a firm kiss on my lips. The sounds of our friends and family disappear when his lips touch mine and I am enthralled with him, my husband. When we part the sounds come rushing back and I turn my face into Dean's out of embarrassment. He grabs me and hugs me tightly.

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