Chapter 61: More Secrets

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The bunker feels empty without Sam and Dean now. Even the echoes of Paul's cries seem louder in the empty spaces.

It's only been a few hours since they left. I haven't seen Castiel since he went to rest and I know I need to check in on him. I walk over to the room he stays in and knock lightly on the door.

"Come in" a raspy voice coughs out in reply

I open the door and peak my head in smiling "how you doing?" I ask

"Better. I'll start reading again soon" he nods to me

"May I?" I ask gesturing into the room.

"Sure" his eyes look to mine for answers and he sits up against the wall

I pull the chair out from the desk and sit on it backwards, resting my arms on the back of the chair and my head on my arms "I'm sorry about Hannah" I say when I'm comfortable

"What do you mean?" He asks not following

"For killing her.. I still don't fully understand why I did it.. I had the blade in my hand and everything was dark" I speak as if he's not there and I'm just trying to comfort myself.

"You were being controlled by the mark, and by impending motherhood" he explains my actions "I didn't see it then, but I understand it now" he adds in. I look at him, my eyes softening as he speaks "I was angry at you because I thought she had answers.. And you killed her, then after I used that grace I had one thing on my mind" he looks past me

"It's alright" I say knowing what he is getting at

"No, please. Let me say this" his voice is firm. "I was putting someone who matters to me at risk, I was willing to hurt someone who considers me family to get what I wanted. I know now. I would never want that to happen." He continues "and after, when Dean wouldn't forgive me.. I started to realize what I have done. So thank you, for bringing me back to the angel I used to be, I want to be" he smiles softly to me

I blush "there really is no need to thank me. I've done some terrible things myself. Let's just get your grace back!" I stand up and he does too.

We embrace each other for a warm friendly hug and we walk back up straight to the room. He sits down and begins translating the book again.

I rotate through between sitting across from him, asking what he's reading, and taking care of Paul.

"Here. Here" Castiel sits up straight and I swivel my head up. The nail I was biting rips half off as pull it out of my mouth. "It just mentioned Cain. How he murdered out of love for his brother.." Castiel drifts off, his eyes darkening as they float horizontally across the page.

"What?" My heart sinks already knowing whatever he read can't be good. Just then I hear Paul's cry from the baby monitor, only it's more desperate then I've ever heard before. Castiel and I both turn to the monitor aware of the desperation. When suddenly we hear a mans voice shhh from the monitor.

I push out of the chair and it falls to the floor with a heavy crash. I run towards his room, Castiel following close behind. I feel my heart inside of my chest, racing as the fear rushes through me like a flash flood. I'm close enough to his room where I see the open door, when suddenly it slams shut! I slam into it, trying to smash through it. The mans voice tries to console my baby again and my stomach turns violently ill. Castiel is next to me, ramming into the door with whatever strength he has left. It's moments later that he is next to me with an ax, handing it over for me to smash through. I didn't even realize he left to grab it. I ax through the door, wooden pieces flying everywhere. I make a hole big enough to peak in and when I do a man I've never seen before turns and smirks at me. Castiel pushes me aside a little and he gasps. I push him aside just as fast and continue hatching at the door.

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