Chapter 11: Still around

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The same thing happens over and over again for 2 weeks. The only time I get to sleep is after sleeping with Dean and I never stay the night in bed with him. One Thursday night, after a particularly fun night in bed I leave and go back to the room I've been staying in. I fall asleep quickly like I have many nights before. I'm not asleep long before I'm awoken by the sound of a door creaking open. I open my eyes and they adjust slowly to Deans silhouette.

"What are you doing?" I ask him groggily.

"I'm here to sleep" he says walking over to the other side of the bed.

"Funny." I respond seriously, hoping he catches my annoyed tone.

"Really though" he responds to me. I sit up and then turn the side lamp on. He lays down and adjusts the pillow I was using.

"What are you doing Dean?" I question him further.

"I already told you" he responds quickly back to me.

"Please leave" I try and ask nicely, the tone of the word please making it come off very condescending.

"No. I can't believe I'm going to say this but I don't just want to be your hook up Hayden." He sits up to say the rest of what he wants to say "I'm not going to keep doing this" he says.

I chuckle out a "please" and roll my eyes.

"I mean it when I told you I was hooked on you" he tells me "from now on, if we're going to sleep together, we're going to sleep together" he says turning away now, facing his ass towards me.

"Whatever" I roll my eyes and then turn the light off, putting my butt against his.

I wake up the next morning before the sun rises and before he does. I grab my clothes and get dressed quickly. I make some eggs and go outside to sit in the hammock that I set up a week ago. I'm relaxing when Sam walks outside. He's dressed in running gear.

"Hey Hayden" he smiles while he walks towards me.

"Hi Sam" I smile back. He's about to put ear buds in his ear so I speak up "what's Deans deal?" I ask

"What do you mean?" He asks in return.

"He's clearly a man whore. So why am I still here" I question his younger brother. If I can't figure it out, maybe he can.

"Well, yea he usually is a uh.. man whore" he says half smiling looking around "but since you're still around and he's not out hooking up with other girls, I'd say you already know why you're still here" he raises his eyebrows.

"But why me?" I ask.

"You should ask him that" he says putting in the ears buds and running off. I lay in the hammock a bit longer before going back inside.

Later that night I run into Dean in the hall. "See you in 30?" I ask playfully

"Can't tonight. Gotta go" he says opening the door to his room and grabbing a bag

"Where?" I ask interested. He hasn't left the home since that night we left together weeks ago.

He looks around "uhh, work."

I nod my head but then I remember what work really is. "Wait, work? What work?" I push for answers.

"Hunting work" he responds walking to the main room. Sam is standing there with a bag in hand as well.


"Oregon" he responds

"What?"  I ask more questions

"Don't know. Ghost probably."

"Can I come?" I ask. He looks at me blankly

"No Hayden" he says flatly

"I want to go. I need to see this" I say flat out to him.

"We don't even know what we are dealing with, I can't keep my eyes on you either" he says.

"You wouldn't need to" I retort back annoyed not completely believing myself.

"Next one, okay Hayden? We really gotta go." I nod my head and they head out the door leaving me and Castiel behind in their home.

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