Chapter 17: Gender Identification

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One night, when the brothers got back from a hunt about a month later, I made them all dinner and we ate together at the table. After dinner, Dean and I decide to tell them the news. It hasn't been two hard to keep it a secret. Dean and I talked about it and we just needed a bit more time to get ready to tell them before sharing it.

"Sam, Cas. We have some news" Dean starts it off.

"What is it?" Castiel says in his simulator tone, not reading the tension that is coming off of me or Dean.

"Well, Dean and I are expecting" I tell them, pulling it off like a bandaid.

"Expecting what?" Castiel asks in return. Sam's face lights up and then he busts out laughing at Castiels response.

"A baby" Dean replies to him shaking his head holding in a smirk towards his awkward friend.

"Holy crap! A baby, Dean?" Sam asks looking at his brother. His eyes are racing with questions I can tell he's holding in.

"It wasn't planned" I interject trying to answer at least one of the questions he will want to ask.

"Well yea, Dean never wanted kids" Sam tells me smiling.

"Wow. Wow. I wouldn't say never!" Dean pipes in.

"You hate babies!" Sam laughs more.

"Not true. I love babies." Dean tries to reply "just not when they cry and poop and puke." He adds.

I roll my eyes. "Dean, a child? Why would you be having a child at a time like this?" Castiel speaks up.

"Because she's pregnant and that's what we decided." Dean returns with a low tone.Castiels tone is now deeper "Dean."

"No Cas. This is what's happening. Be happy for us" he says grabbing my hand and squeezing it. Castiel walks out.

"Well congratulations guys" Sam says standing up and embraces us in a hug. He pats his brother on the back and leaves the room.

"Thanks D" I say to him as he lets go of my hand.

He looks at me confused "for what?"

"Standing up for us to Castiel. For reassuring me we are doing the right thing" I tell him. He smiles at me and winks. I smile back and start to clean the table.

Another month and a half goes by before I start to show. I get morning sickness through out the entire day at this point and have a hard time eating anything. Dean stays back on a couple of hunts to take care of me. We go in for an ultrasound 5 months into my pregnancy. Dean makes it a point to be at every appointment I have. He reads books and magazines on what to expect and is more caring then I thought he would be. It is not what I would have expected from him. The ladies man, the one who wouldn't be in a relationship, the man who can get any girl he wants. We are called into the back and get checked on by a PA. A while later the doctor comes in.

"Everything seems to be going well. You just need to get your weight up. You need to eat more for yourself and for the baby" the doctor says to us adjusting the ultrasound on my stomach getting the liquid rubbed around.

Dean nods vigorously. "I'm trying my best get her to eat more, I was just saying she looks a bit thin." He adds in.

The doctor smiles "that's very good, keep doing it. Would you like to know what you're having?" She asks smiling at us. I look up to Dean who looks down to me

"Should we?" He asks shrugging. His smile widening as I wait to respond.

"Doesn't matter to me. I'll let you decide" I tell him. He turns his smile to the doctor and nods his head up and down.

"Congratulations you two. It's a girl!"

Dean squeezes my hand tightly and I see a small tear drop fall out of his left eye. At the same time my eyes brim over with tears. "A girl" he whispers still grasping my hand.

"A girl" I whisper back to him. He puts his forehead on mine and smiles at me. We get back to the bunker and Sam and Castiel are sitting at the table. Sam on his laptop, Castiel reading a book. They look up at the same time. Castiels look is quick before he puts his head back down and focus' his eyes back on the page. Him and Dean haven't talked much since the fight. Usually only about hunting or possible ideas to get his grace back.

Sam notices Dean's grin and asks "what's going on?"

"I'm having a girl, Sammy!" He says reaching for a hug. Sam opens up his arms and grasps his brother tightly.

"Haha wow! A girl!" Sam laughs while hugging back. They let go and Dean turns to Castiel who just stood up. He puts out his hand for a hand shake.

"Congratulations." He says lowly. Dean looks at it then swipes it away and grasps him into a big hug. Castiel awkwardly hugs him back. After Dean lets him go he steps back and looks confused. All the while Sam comes over to give me a hug.

"A girl, man! A baby girl!" Dean smiles. Castiel walks over to me and I hug him. He hugs me back lightly.

"Hayden, Dean.. I'm.." Castiel speaks up

"Forget it.." I interrupt

"No.. Really I" he tries further.

"Really Cas, forget it. I'm having a baby girl! You're going to be an uncle!" Dean bursts loudly with a large grin. I memorize it, hoping she gets that smile of his.

"An uncle?" Castiel asks looking confused.

"Ya man, you're family" Sam adds in. Castiels mouth forms into a slight smile. I know that smile. I have the same one when I feel apart of this family too.

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