Chapter 18: Devastation

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A month later I'm awoken in the middle of the night by sharp pains in my stomach. I jolt up grabbing my stomach with one hand and Dean with another "Dean!" I gasp out squeezing his arm. He shoots straight up and points the gun to the door. I don't flinch, it's something I've gotten used to. "It hurts" I gasp out in labored breaths "somethings wrong" I add on. He throws the gun on the floor and reaches to me with both hands.

"What does?" He asks me looking between my face and stomach "what hurts?"

"My stomach!" I screech in pain. He shoots out of bed and opens the door, he shouts for Sam and comes to the side of the bed where I am and scoops me up into his arms bridal style. He gets to the hallway and Sam is standing there half asleep, gun at his side.

"I'm taking her to the hospital. Something's wrong. I'll call you when I can!" He shouts to his brother while passing him. Sam follows us to the car asking more questions and Dean ignores all of them. He places me in the passenger seat then quickly goes over to the driver side. He starts the car and speeds off into the night.

He pulls into the emergency room entrance and picks me up out of the car. A nurse meets us with a wheel chair half way to the entrance and he places me in it softly. He follows the nurse as she asks questions "What's wrong?" She asks as I'm being pushed along.

"She's pregnant and she has pains in her stomach" he basically shouts to her, his voice shaking.

"How far along is she?" She asks next.

"6 months" he says looking at me unsure. I nod my head in confirmation when the nurse looks down to me for a final confirming nod.

"When did the pains start?" She asks as she walks through the emergency room door into the waiting room.

"Suddenly.. like.. Like 45 minutes ago" he spits out quickly.

She continues forward "we got it from here. Wait here" she says pushing forward.

"What! No!" Dean yells back.

"We have to take her to the operating room. She's bleeding!" The nurse explains. Dean looks down at me and notices the blood for the first time. The nurse pushes me through the doors while Dean and I look at each other until the doors stop swinging. A few minutes later they are putting a mask over my face and telling me to count backwards from 10.

I wake up in a hospital room, the lighting is dull and the bed is uncomfortable. The doctor speaks to me after the nurse checks on me. He asks if I understand. I look out the window and nod my head up and down once telling him I do. He leaves the room and a minute later Dean rushes in. He comes to the side of my bed quickly gripping my hand "Hayden, are you okay? Hayden?" He asks me. I don't turn to meet his caring eyes. I don't respond.

"Is she okay?" He turns to the doctor who walked in behind him.

"She's fine, but we lost the baby" the doctor says in a low voice.

"What?" Dean shouts looking at him.

"I'm sorry. We couldn't save the baby. There was a problem with the uterus. We had to induce labor and she was still born. I'm so sorry." The doctor finishes, staying standing by the door. Deans head drops and the then the doctor leaves. Dean turns back to me and my eyes brim over with tears. He grabs a chair and drags it close to the bed. He takes a hold of my hands and puts his forehead to mine as I begin to weep. A single tear drop falls on my cheek from him as he shhs to try and comfort me. I wake up a few hours later and Dean is still holding my hand. He's asleep on my arm. I look at his features. His eyes with bags under them, his scruff longer then usual. His hair matted down. Sam and Castiel come to visit a few hours later. Dean walks over to them and I'm assuming explains. They both give him a hug and leave without saying anything to me. Not that I mind, I wouldn't have responded anyway. I'm released two days later. We get back to the bunker at 11 in the morning and I go straight to our bedroom. I fall asleep almost instantly. Dean wakes me up hours later to give me something to eat.

"I'm not hungry" I mumble out.

"Please eat, then I'll go" he whispers out in the dark room. I sit up and he turns the light on. I eat one piece of toast and push everything away. "Please eat more" he says.

"Please turn off the light" I ask him turning away and wrapping myself up in the blanket. I wake up around 4 am to use the bathroom and Dean isn't in bed. I slowly get out of bed and after using the bathroom I go look for him. I find him drinking something dark out of a glass on the couch. I walk over and sit down next to him. I put my feet up on the couch and lay my head on his lap. I begin to weep. He rubs my hair and I fall asleep in his lap. I wake up a bit later and he's sleeping. His head leaned back against the couch and his hand laid over the back with the glass in his hand. I slowly try to get up without waking him.

He moves "huh" as I sit up. "Where are you going?" He asks me.

"To take a bath" I tell him turning away.

"Let me" he says standing up. I nod my head and head to the room to get my things. I walk into the bathroom and Dean is just sitting down in it with the water still running. He swings his head in a gesture for me to come over. I drop the robe on the floor and get in. I lean into him and he holds on to me tightly. We stay there, him holding me, until the water gets cold.

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