Chapter 58: Another Book

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After a couple of days the bunker clears out. Sheriff mills was the first to leave, needing to get back to work.

Garth was the next to go. I didn't tell Dean but I felt more relieved when he left.

One night, it's just Dean, Sam, Castiel, Charlie, and I sitting at a table reading different books and files. Paul is down for another nap in a bassinet in the room.

"Hey, look at this!" Charlie calls us over. The 4 of us gather around Charlie to get a glimpse of the screen "Whoah, need some air here.." She says when we get close

"Sorry" a few of us mumble and move back. Sam and Castiel move aside and sit back down, knowing whatever she found is about the mark and Paul.

"There's this book.." She clicks a few times and pulls up a picture "looks big and old, maybe it'll have some information we could use"

"The book of the damned" I read out loud in a solemn tone "worth a shot" I shrug my shoulders looking to everyone

"Where's it at?" Dean asks rubbing his chin

"Uhh" Charlie clicks and types a few things "some old library storage thing in Ohio" she says looking at a map "I'll head there tomorrow see if I can't get a hold of it" she smiles

"That'd be great, thanks Charlie" Dean pats her on the back walking over to pick up Paul.

We have dinner together that night and they tell me about when they first met one another.

"I'm just glad I finally got to meet you" Charlie smiles to me "your really special to get Dean to settle down" she winks at him

"Oh come on, I'm not that bad" Dean defends himself laughing

"Really?" Sam adds in.

Dean gives him a look "ok, ok, Hayden is special, I know that" he grabs my hand from across the table and smiles at me.

My smile turns to a smirk "I'm curious to know some of these stories Dean tries to hide from me"

"Well there was that time with the girl from Iowa, that trapeze artist" Sam speaks up

Deans head turns to his brother quickly "no, no, it is NOT story time" he urges his brother. We all laugh

"Alright. It's okay, I really don't want to know" I admit to them. We finish our dinner enjoying the company.

Charlie heads out early the next morning. Dean and I are usually up taking turns with Paul so we got to see her off.

"I miss my 4 hours of sleep" Dean yawns putting Paul back down

I chuckle "at least all you need is 4. I'd kill for a 6 hour snooze!"

"When is he suppose to sleep through the night?" Dean asks with another yawn laying down next to me

"Oh hunny" I coyly tease "not for another few months, if we're lucky"

"Ughhh" he wraps his arm around me pulling me close. "And when can we work on more babies" he leans down kissing me

I kiss him back "4 more weeks! And we're deff not having more babies any time soon!" I pull back to inform him

"Oh I know" he nods back to me!

We lay together; tossing in the bed making out. Doing our best not to wake the baby like we're 14 and trying not to wake our parents.

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