Chapter 37: Exchange Of Information

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"Dean." Castiel's tone is heard from down the road. He walks closer and when Hannah see's him she adjusts to face him.

"Hello Castiel" she smiles politely

"Hannah, what are you doing here?" He asks looking confused between the 3 of us.

"You know this broad?" Dean asks waving the gun still in his hand her way.

"We met once before, when Metatron was killing angels who wouldn't follow him. She was spared." He explains, his blue eyes still confused "how is the hunt for Metatron?" He asks her.

"That's one of the reasons I am here. Can we go somewhere more private?" Hannah asks looking at Dean. Dean shuffles his feet and slowly nods.

A while later, Hannah is led inside the bunker. Castiel, Hannah, and myself sit down at the table while Dean goes to look for Sam. We sit silently, the awkwardness growing as we wait. Minutes pass before they both return.

"Start from the beginning" Dean demands placing the angel blade on the table.

"Dean, is that necessary?" Castiel asks as Hannah adjusts uncomfortably in her seat.

"for now" he says, jaw clenched.

"As you heard before, my life was spared to tell Metatrons story. We've been looking for him for months. He's starting an army, and we need to defeat him before it's too late" she explains, eyes flickering between everyone at the table.

"And that has to do with us how?" Dean asks annoyed. I give him a look and he shrugs.

"I heard what you said Hayden. You were able to tell I was near. Do you know why that is?" She asks looking at me. I look down at my stomach then back to her and shake my head no.

"It has powers" she simply says. I look at Dean with fear in my eyes, his eyes match mine. I instivetly reach my hand out to hold his, not knowing what I was doing until he was holding it.

"Dean has had the Mark of Cain for a while now, but that's not all he has" She says. Dean and I instantly look to Castiel.

"The mark of an angel" Deans eyes open wide when he realizes what Castiel meant.

"Wait a minute, you're telling me that Dean has heaven and hell marked within him" Sam speaks up, sounding baffled.

"We believe" Hannah begins to speak again "the mark would have completely taken over Dean rather quickly, if it wasn't for something else working inside of him. The mark could not completely control him because he was marked by an angel." she finishes saying. It's silent.

I finally speak up "so, there's both heaven and hell, good and bad, inside of dean?"

"Preciously" she states

"So what does that mean for our baby?" I ask letting go of Dean's hand and touching my stomach gently.

"It's tough to say. Life can remove the Mark of Cain, but even if it does, the baby will have some grace within it as well." She explains. "Which brings me to the reason I am here" She turns to Castiel. "We need further assistance finding Metaton. We need your assistance more specifically" her head turns slightly "you are the key to opening heaven up again" she says.

Castiel looks down "I do not have grace Hannah, I can be of little to no help".

"I have something for you" She says pulling something blue and glowing out of her pocket.

"What is that?!" Castiel asks with force pushing his chair out from the table. "Is that someone's grace?" He's on his feet now.

"It's not what you think" She puts up her hand "the angel was slain, he was dying, he wanted to help, he dedicated his grace for you" she tries to tell us.

"What?" Dean spits out looking disgusted.

"Please, take it Castiel." She hands over the grace of an angel in a bottle. He takes it and places it in front of him like it's poison.

"Anything else?" Sam asks looking at the woman

"That is all for now. I was hoping if we helped you" she eyes Dean and I "you'd help us" She looks at Castiel. "I hope to hear from you soon Castiel" She stands up.

"Where are you going?" Castiel asks her.

"I must be heading back to the other angels. There is always work to be done" She turns. Dean walks her out of the bunker and returns to us all at the table.

"Do we actually believe her?" he asks looking at me.

"If we considered what Cain said, we should at least consider what she said" I say back to him. He nods.

"Cas, what are you going to do about that?" Sam nods towards the grace at the table.

"I can't use it. No matter what the angel who gave it up said, it's not my grace" He says. Sam and Dean nod. I follow in suit, not truly understanding the importance.

"Sam, Cas, if you'll excuse Dean and I, we have a lot to talk about" I look in his direction and he perks up nodding his head.

"Later guys" he pats them both on the back as we walk out of room and down to the bedroom.

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