Chapter 19: First Hunt

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I can't eat anything. All I do is sleep. I don't want to do anything. I know I'm depressed but I don't care enough to get help. Dean's not the same either. I can tell he's putting on a strong front in front of me but it's not strong enough to hide. I see the pain in his eyes when he looks at me. A few days later I wake up alone in the bed. I'm not surprised. Dean and I haven't been physically close since the night in the tub. I throw on some clothes and walk out of the room. Dean is in the living room throwing some things into a bag. "I'm going on a hunt" he says zipping the bag without looking up to me.

"Can I come?" I ask, already knowing the answer he'll give.

"Sure" he shrugs. I look back to him no expecting that.

"Really?" I ask, squinting my eyes in his direction.

"Sure. One state away. Should be easy enough to kill on my own so why not let you come" he explains.

I nod my head once "I guess I'll go pack. How long will we be?"

"Just bring 3 days worth of clothes, some kind of suit too" he says. I give him a look and then quickly walk back to the room and grab some things. I don't have a bag so I just walk back out to where he is with things in my hands. When he sees me he walks out and returns quickly with a bag. He tosses it to me and I throw my stuff in.

We're about to leave when Sam walks in. "Where are you going?" He asks looking at the bags.

"To gank a monster" Dean says trying to walk past him.

"Want me to come with? Just take a minute to get my stuff" he gestures kindly.

"No need. Hayden's coming" he nods towards me.

"You think that's a good idea?" He ask eyeing us, knowing things aren't good.

"It's fine Sam" Dean jerks past him. Sam turns to watch him leave and I slink by to catch up. We get in the car and drive off to wherever this hunt is.

When we arrive it's past 11. Nothing to do but wait until morning. We get a one bed motel room and go to sleep instantly. Early the next morning we dress in our suit attire. Dean wearing an all black suit with a white button up and blue striped tie. I put on my fitted black plants, and purple button up and black blazer. He throws me an ID out of his bag and I look at it "FBI? Agent Lauper?" I look at him confused, it even sure when he got one of these for me.

"Gotta get into the morgue somehow" he shrugs zipping his bag up and walking towards the door.

"I don't know if I can do this." I tell him honestly.

"Then stay here" he opens the door not caring to talk me through how it would work. I think for a second but know I don't want to be alone somewhere strange. I walk out the door in front of him and he shuts it. We get to the morgue and he pulls out his I.D. I mimick every step he makes.

"Agent Cobain, Agent Lauper. We're here to see the body of one Mr. Attcott" he quickly flashes the badge so I do the same. The lady looks at them just as quickly and nods.

She gets up from behind her desk and walks us down a corridor "why are the Feds interested in a suicide?"

"Let's just say there might be more to it then what the Dr. found" Dean explains. She looks back at me and I panic. Dean looks at me waiting for a response, letting me take the question.

"Uh. Confidential" I stammer out of nervousness. Dean chuckles under his breath and the woman nods.

"Well here you go agents" she opens a door and let's us in. "I'll be at my desk if you need anything."

When the woman is out of eye sight I hit Dean in the arm "what the hell? Why'd you leave me hanging like that?"

"You gotta learn, I have to throw you in the trenches!" He says finding the appropriate holding tank for the body. "Hold on to your stomach" he says looking at me. I'm annoyed but I nod my head. He rolls out the body and I step back startled. I look away quickly but find my eyes slowly looking back to the body. Dean looks around at the mans body after opening the tarp down to his lower chest.

"What are you looking for?" I ask him.

"Anything interesting or out of place." He answers me.

"Like what?" I ask another question.

"Not sure yet. I'll let you know if I find anything." He says still looking over the body. I stay where I'm standing, uncomfortable being around a dead body. He takes a few pictures and we leave after another few minutes. The women waves at us as we go but Dean keeps eyes forward.

We get back to the motel we are staying at and he uploads a few pictures to a laptop. He shows me one picture he took. There are odd markings on it that don't prove ghost. We need to go to the house of the deceased and look around.

"Of course" I say going into the bathroom to change. I go back out and lay in bed. Im there for sometime waiting for Dean to join me. He doesn't.

"Dean, can you come lay with me?" I ask finally around 2 in the morning.

"Really need to do this research" he says not looking up to me.

"Dean" I say a bit louder to get his attention. He looks at me and I just stare back at him. He sighs and closes the laptop. He sits on top of everything and leaves his shoes and jacket on. I lay down again but turn myself to face him.

"What if we can't get back to where we were?" I ask him

He thinks for a moment "I don't even know if where we were was so great." He looks at me. He must have noticed my hurt expression and explains further "I mean, we were getting somewhere good. But then you were pregnant and things just took off from there in a whirlwind."

"So if I didn't get pregnant, who knows where we would be right now? Or if we'd even be together?" I ask, scared of his answer.

"No Hayden, we would be together. It's just, who knows in what way. Things are different now that we're not expecting a baby anymore." He finishes with a sad look.

"I was really looking forward to you being a dad" I confess to him sadly. He looks down at me and smirks. He opens his arm for me and I snuggle on to his chest. Moving with his breath.

"I still can be" he whispers out. I look up to him confused "but not for awhile" he nods. I nod In return. It's too soon to think about having another baby, we just lost our first one. He reaches for my chin and pulls it up so I'm looking him in the eyes "I love you" he says firmly. It wasn't just his lips telling me, it was his eyes.

"I love you too." And with that, he kisses me with force. Just once. Telling me, that everything will be okay.


Go read MyBlueEyedAngeland her supernatural story! It's amazing! You'll be inspired!

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