Chapter 6: Attacked

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Dean shows up to the bar about an hour later. He walks over and takes a seat. He smiles at me and I smile back while walking over.

"What can I get you?" I ask keeping the facade up.

"Beer if you would" he says.

"You sure? That's all? can I get you anything else?" I ask him. He looks at me confused.

"Uhh no" he looks at me still confused. I pull the keys out of my pocket and throw them over to him.

He sighs and puts his head down. "Hayden, it's not.." I grab the flower out of my hair and throw it on the bar top and storm out. I walk out of the bar into the alley and start to walk home.

I don't care if they tell my boss, I'm too pissed to explain. My head rattles profanities about dean when I hear a bottle get kicked behind me and I turn around to confront him "just stop Dean, I don't want to do this anymore." I spit out while turning. Only there is no one behind me. I look a second longer and turn back towards the way I was walking. When I turn a man is standing in front of me with black eyes. "What the hell" I spit out trying to step back. Some force pushes me and I didn't even realize he was going to attack me. I hit the concrete wall hard. I try to open my eyes but everything is blurry and my head is pounding. The man gets closer and I try to move away but can't. Another set of feet appear behind the man and I hear grunting while staring at the shoes.

I wake up in an unfamiliar place on top of a bed. The walls are bare concrete and there is a desk in the corner. I put my hand to my head and feel a wrap around it. It stings at the touch. I start to remember bits and pieces of what happened and start to panic. I go to the door and see if it opens. It does, I'm not locked in. I enter the hallway and see more doors. I follow the hallway out and end up in a large living room. I look up and see Dean sitting at a table looking down at an empty glass.

"Dean?!" I kind of scream out. His head jerks fast and he runs over to me. I step back when he gets closer. He hesitates and steps closer again.

"Hayden, it's okay. You're fine." He says lowly to me. I look in his eyes confused and don't move.

"Let's go back to the room, you should lay down." He grabs my arm and tries to bring me back to the room. I pull my arm away from him

"No, I'm not going anywhere with you. What the hell happened Dean!?" I say louder this time. He steps back and looks me in the eyes. His eyes look sad and concerned but I'm too angry to care.

"It's hard to explain. It's complicated"

"Of course it is" I chuckle at him "everything is complicated with you" I snarl.

"I will explain everything, but can we please get you sitting? You got hit pretty hard last night" he says touching my head and showing me some blood on his finger. I follow him back to the room I woke up in. I sit down on the bed and he stands at the door.

"Well..?" I ask impatiently.

"You were attacked last night" he tells me.

"I figured as much" I say pointing to my head. He looks down "but why am I here? Why am I not at a hospital?" I ask. He looks up to me,

"I couldn't take you to a hospital. You wouldn't be safe" he says walking into the room more. I give him a look to warn him not to come closer. He notices and stops in his tracks.

"And I'm safe here? I told you I can take care of myself. It was probably the same pervert from the bar the other night" I exclaim rolling my eyes.

"It wasn't" he insists "it's more.."

"Complicated" we say together and his voice vanishes off. I raise my eyebrows at him waiting for answers.

"You were attacked by a demon." He says flatly.

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