But, I’ll do it my way.

“Okay! We have a winner! Our champion for this year’s Sports Fest is Mr. Nathan Parker!”

The crowd cheered and I could hear some groan. (Yes, I know even those readers here are also disappointed that I won.) I won the bet, but I know that I didn’t win it fairly. He was injured. He could have won if he wasn’t. I turned to my side and I could see Josh on the ground. He was holding his foot and he looked so disappointed.

I know how he feels because even though I won, I know that I’m going to lose Trisha. He thought he lost but he’s wrong. I was the one who lost. He won the real battle. He slowly moved up and went inside the school. The other guys were lifting me and carrying me around the school. I wasn’t happy that I won, but I needed to do that. If I’m going to force both of them back together, I will do it my way.

I didn’t know what happened to Josh after the competition, but I will take care of that later. I asked one of my friends to look for him and report to me where he was. I, on the other hand, will go back to Trisha and fix everything.

I drove to Josh’s house and asked the maid if Trisha was already better.

“Yes, sir. Josh came home last night to check on her. He stayed up all night.” She told me honestly.

After hearing this, I felt guiltier. I was in their way. It was already obvious that Josh loves her so much and I think it was time for Trisha to realize that. Honestly, before I asked her to be my girlfriend. I already knew that she loves Josh. I was struggling with myself and convincing myself that she doesn’t.

One reason why I asked Trisha was to make sure that she didn’t love him, but the moment that she ran after him when he saw us I already knew that she loves him. I know that it was very contradicting to my thoughts before but like I said I was convincing myself at those times that Josh was just playing with her and that Trisha loves me.

Now, I know that it was useless. I was only fooling myself. From what I saw in Trisha’s eyes when she saw Josh crying, it was already obvious that she was hurt too. I was really surprised that Josh let her go that time. I thought that she wouldn’t be mine even for a while.

When Josh gave up, I was suddenly unsure if he was really sincere with Trisha; but when he approached me before the sports fest I know that he wouldn’t stop unless he’ll get Trisha back. The whole bet was pointless since I already knew from the start that I already lost.

Before each round starts, I always caught Trisha looking at Josh. The way she screamed when she saw Josh falling said it all. She was really in love with him. The only problem is that, does she know? Did Trisha realize that she loves Josh already? I know it would not be right to take advantage of her feelings.

I didn’t know how I could make her realize the fact that she loves Josh but I would do anything for her. Maybe she already realized that but she was afraid that I might get hurt so she didn’t say anything. Typical Trisha…

When I reached her room I heard my phone beep. I opened it and I saw a message.

Josh just came from the nurse and he is currently inside the detention room. I don’t know what he was doing there but I saw him went inside.

At least I already know where Josh was located. I knocked before I opened their bedroom door.

“Come in.” I heard Trisha’s faint voice.

I opened the door and walk towards her bed. She was surprised to see me and I guess she was already wondering who won.

“Hey, how are you?”I asked her.

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