Chapter 74: run away

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Phil's POV:

"Come on mate, last five minutes and then we have to go get changed?" He shook his head and giggled loudly before throwing himself into the pool again. Jimmy swam over to him and used a pool noodle to corner him a little.

"Tommy, two more jumps and then we're all done okay." Jimmy waited for him to signal that he had both heard and understood him before letting him swim off again.

In just a matter of weeks (well maybe months), Tommy had learned to swim properly. No complicated strokes but he had worked out how to make his arms and legs move to get him from A to B. In the comings weeks, Jimmy was going to work on some more life-saving skills with him and then I would stop holding my breath every time he went near any kind of body of water.

I watched him climb out of the swimming pool, stim happily and begin to run back to the end of the pool he is allowed to jump in at. "Hey! No running Tommy." Jimmy said, and he kept calmly reminding him, until Tommy listened and slow down.

I filmed the last jump of the session and sent it to our family group chat before sending it separately to Tor and my mum as well.

Then we thanked Jimmy for the session and went off to the changing room to get dry. We were both used to the process by now and we're getting both quick and organised with it. When he was sufficiently dry enough, I handed him his iPad whilst I helped get his shoes on and dried, then brushed his hair.

"Hungry." The robotic voice on his iPad said.

"Yep, we are going to go home and have dinner just now mate. Do you have anything left in your lunchbox from earlier?" I asked, knowing that we had left his lunchbox and school bag in the boot of my car. We were getting into a habit of doing this now because it stopped us from having to move all of his fidget toys between bags and meant that his schoolwork was within reach if we ended up somewhere else. For example, there have been times where we've taken the boys to the cafe in town after school and having his schoolbag there meant we had his ear defenders on hand and his english book after mentioning to Techno they'd been given a reading list.

Techno helped him go through the list and highlight ones that sounded interesting. I promised to email James about going to the school library soon. It had been the day he was supposed to have his first proper PE lesson and after the meltdown, it wasn't the time to go to the library.

When we got in the car, I found a breakfast bar in the front pocket of the lunchbox which we keep there for emergencies and he was happily munching it on the way home.

Time skip:

With the boys all in bed or at least in their bedrooms, I sat down at the dinner table and looked at my laptop. I had my interview tomorrow and still felt unprepared. Kristin smiled at me from across the room and came to sit by me. "Is this the social media one?" She asked.

I nodded, "I haven't told the boys yet. Didn't want to tell them unless I get the job."

"It's exciting though!"

"Yea, it is. But it's just the finance, I won't have anything to do with the content creators really."

"Still Phil, you're working at the same company." I nodded and took a sip from my glass of lemonade.

"Techno and I are going to film  video together on Friday."

"I know, he's really excited about it, he's been planning it this evening and he's even got a little plan in a notebook. He let me look at some of the other videos he wants to film. They all look really good."

"If he's happy and he enjoys it, that's all that matters."

"I know. Have you ironed your suit for tomorrow?" 

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