Chapter 68: school is not okay

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Tubbo's POV:

Tommy's first day at school being so bad didn't fill me with hope. And that Wednesday night, I sat at the desk in my bedroom trying to finish the last piece of english work I'd been set for that summer and not worry too much about school.

"Night mate." Phil said, sticking his head round my bedroom door.

"Oh," I checked the time, it was 10, definitely supposed to be in bed, "n-n-ight."

"You okay? Is that the english work?" I nodded. "If you don't quite get it done in time, that's fine. They'll understand mate."

I nodded and packed the work away into my school bag before wheeling over to my bathroom. "You know we're here if you need us mate. Night."

"N-night." He slid the door shut behind him and I went to go brush my teeth.

Things were so different now compared to last time I went to school. I was such a different person. And I wasn't leaving Tommy at home anymore.

He wouldn't be stuck with Dad for hours whilst I got time out at school. He'd been learning and growing and living. And that made me happy. But school had never been good for me and the thought of going through it all again was scary. Phil was right, they'd help and it would be different. Yea, it was all going to be okay.

Time skip:

None of this was okay.

My first lesson of the day just had to be english and my teacher was a right pushover. So I'd spent the whole hour being stared at by classmates and being asked a bunch of questions. I'd decided to go for my wheelchair today, knowing that being on crutches without a cast would bring its own unwanted questions and that I'd get tired quickly anyway.

But now, I was off to my first free period in the SEND department, getting stared at, the whole walk over. When I got there, a learning support lady said hello and said that the free study rooms were free. It was officially supposed to be my PE lesson but I'd opted out of those and so they were designated as hours that I could catch up on work and do homework in. There were also a couple sessions where I got help with my dyslexia, but it wasn't one of those today. And it being the first day of school, I had no work to do.

I set myself up in the classroom anyway. Well, it wasn't officially a classroom but it looked like one. I got my laptop out and decided that if I didn't have anything to do, I'd just have to unfortunately play minecraft the whole hour. What a terrible shame!

"Hey Tom, look who's here!" James was at the door, Tommy's lunchbox in one hand and the other supporting his backpack strap on his shoulder. James was still the only person who wasn't me that really got away with calling Tommy 'Tom', he didn't like when others did it.

My little brother ran over and stood next to me.

"H-h-hey." I said, giving him a high five.

"Have you got a free Tubbo?"


"Alright, would you mind if Tommy and I sat across from you?" He pointed to the two seats across from me on my table of four. I nodded with a smile and pointed at the seats, gesturing for Tommy to sit down.

"How's your day been?" James asked. 

"G-g-g-ood." I shrugged my shoulders and looked at my laptop again so I could think of a name for the minecraft world I was setting up. I eventually decided on 'bored and in school'.

"That's good." James was really struggling to keep any kind of conversation going here. "We've had a good morning haven't we Tommy. We had English and we were working on persuasive writing skills."

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon