Chapter 20: bowling

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Tommy's POV:


"Hey Tommy." Techno got in the car, sitting in the back-seat next to Tubbo who was in the middle. I smiled at him.

"Good session?" Phil asked

"Yea, yea it was actually."

"That's good mate. Right, bowling, everyone ready? Oh right, Techno we've decided to go bowling that okay with you?" He nodded.

"Routine." I pressed the button on my iPad. It was a new one Phil had found for me this morning and I liked it. I wanted Techno to know the routine too, because he got stressed about it like I did.

"I will explain our routine, yep. So we are going to the normal bowling place, we've looked at the website in the car so we all know what it looks like. Kelly and Kristin are meeting us there, we are going to play two games, Tommy how many fingers is two?" I proudly displayed two fingers and Phil smiled, we'd been doing fun maths stuff this morning too. "Good job! Then we are going to that American diner place down the road from it. Techno, Wilbur you know the one we pass every time we go and always say we'll try one day and never have? That one."

"Let's go!" Wilbur exclaimed.

"We were looking at the menu whilst we were waiting for you, Tubbo, have you still got it on your phone?"

"Y-y-yea." I was getting a little bored with all this talking. My head turned away from everyone and I began looking out the window. Looking out windows is a good way of letting your brain think, and I like thinking.

I was thinking about stories and dinosaurs and lots of things that won't ever actually happen but are interesting. Techno tapped my shoulder and leaned in, "what are you thinking about?"

"Everything." I signed.

"That's one of my favourite things to do too," he smiled. I leant my cheek against his shoulder and closed my eyes. Techno made me feel safe and calm, he made my brain quiet. Maybe I should be talking to someone like him and Tubs; maybe it will make me feel better and stop being so anxious all the time. Everyone thinks I'm fine, and I don't want to tell them I'm not because then I'll just be a problem again.

Time skip:

I cheered and clapped: Wilbur had just got a strike. And bowling was fun! 

"Right, Kelly your turn then." Kristin guided her to the ball thingy. There was the ball thingy where all the balls magically appeared after we used them, and then there was the ramp thingy. You placed the ball in the top of that and then pushed it down and then you didn't have to throw it. I was using it at first but then Wilbur decided to teach me how to bowl properly. I'm quite good at it too! It's like throwing but backwards, sort of.

Kelly hit down seven pins, now she was having her second go. I ran round a bit whilst I waited. That's the only bad part about, there is way too much waiting (and we had two lanes, I can't imagine having to wait any longer if we were all on the same lane but there were too many of us). Techno and I played games on my iPad while we waited and sometimes there were little interesting bits here and there, but otherwise there was just a lot of sitting and playing crossy road. I like crossy road because it doesn't make me have to control my fingers and that makes my brain hurt. That's why minecraft is too difficult. There's too many buttons and things to do and my brain just explodes. I really like watching it though and I watch it on youtube a lot.

"Well done Kelly! I think you're beating me now!" Techno said. "Tommy, your turn." I looked up for crossy road, paused the game and then rushed to get my ball.

"Slowly, slowly," Phil said, grabbing me and giving me a hug. "Which ball?" 

I pointed at the light green one. He went to pick it up, "stop."

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