Chapter 1:

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TW- swearing

Tommy's POV:

"What're you doing mate?" I was lying on the trampoline, using my break in my own way. For me that meant staring up at the sky. It was blue, with fluffy clouds and it made me feel safe. I felt the trampoline dip. "James is here, I've got to go do some stuff remember?" I didn't look at him but I knew exactly what he was talking about. He put the big whiteboard up on the wall in the hallway this morning, and I helped him write in some things we've got going on this week. I'm excited for most of them.

Today James is coming round to take me the trampoline place. Phil was showing me pictures and videos of it, and it looks awesome! He and Kristin were saying it would be better if I went to it before the summer holidays because then it wouldn't be so busy. Plus, Kristin had to take Tubs to physio so James would be hanging out with me anyway. I pulled myself up from the trampoline and began to walk back inside. Phil cleared his throat; Techno was teaching me that that meant he wanted me to stop and listen to him. Techno was good at teaching me all the stupid social rules like that, he said it's because he might be autistic like me. I thought that was pretty f-cking obvious already.

Oh, Phil says I'm not allowed to use word likes that, but it's not being said out loud so I think it's okay. Anyway, he's at therapy this morning. Maybe I'm not supposed to know that. It sort of says it on the whiteboard. But it's nice to know that Phil gets help too. Sometimes I feel like I stress everyone out. I don't want to, but I don't know how not to. That was why Dad didn't like me and Tubs. I was too much. I try not to blame myself for Dad dying, but sometimes it feels like everything would be better if I didn't exist. Maybe I need someone to talk to too.

I turned to look at Phil, "shoes please, you little gremlin." I giggled and picked up my red trainers from the grass. Phil followed me inside and I gave James a huge hug. I liked James, he was funny and he didn't treat me like I was a baby.

"Morning Tommy, you excited for the trampolines?" I nodded and left him for a second to put my shoes away. The door to the cupboard was closed; I pushed on it a few times but I couldn't get it to move. "Help please." I signed, and James opened the door for me. In the background, I could vaguely hear Phil saying well done for signing; he always says well done when I communicate. (At least he understands that sometimes it's difficult for me.) Then, I pulled out the drawer for my shoes, with my red name label and put my trainers in it. I like the fact I've got my own space, it makes me feel good.

"You're going to need them in a bit mate, you didn't have to put them in the cupboard." I looked at Phil, bit my lip and broke down into tears. I'd messed it all up again, no wonder Phil had to go to therapy. "It's alright, I promise. You were doing the right thing mate."

Phil sighed when I didn't stop crying. James sat on the floor: I shuffled close to him. "Phil was just saying that you didn't have to. That means you can do it, but you don't have to do it. Leaving them out would only mean you didn't have to get them when we go out to the trampoline park in a bit. Make sense?" I nodded, wiping my teary eyes. "Shall we take some deep breaths?" I nodded, leaning up against his side for his comfort.

I felt a bit better after taking some deep breaths, James let me fiddle around with his hand and spoke to me quietly. He's good at looking after me. "Shall we watch some Doctor Who or listen to some music before we go bounce?" I just hugged him; it didn't matter what we did because he knew what he was doing.

Time skip:

Kristin's POV:

This was my first time going to physiotherapy with Tubbo. His sessions had been transferred to a closer hospital, so this was also his first time meeting his new physiotherapist. We pulled up in the hospital car park, I paid for the parking and then we walked into the hospital together. On request of the physiotherapist, I pushed Tubbo's wheelchair along for the appointment. Despite my son not being keen on the chair, we knew it was still important he had the skills to use it if need be.

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