Chapter 73: stressed out

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Tommy's POV:

My Monday had been very stressful and loud. I was supposed to have my first proper PE lesson but the changing room was too loud and smelly and too much. James took me to the SEND department and I had a massive meltdown. Phil was coming to pick me up and Techno had a free period so sat with me whilst I waited.

"You going home too Techno?" James asked.

"Uh yea, I wouldn't normally but if Dad is coming anyway, I don't feel bad for getting in the car too." 

"Okay, I'll walk you two out to the front of the school so I can do the handover with Phil. I want to try and explain our plan for the next PE lesson in person rather than having to email everything all the time." James said, putting things in my backpack for me. I was looking at my iPad, playing crossy road and humming happily. Things were better now.

"Sounds good," my older brother just said, ruffling my hair. He had his driving test this afternoon (last one of the day) and I knew that because I'd helped Phil fill out the whiteboard in the hall yesterday in all the different coloured pens and I gave Phil the right colour to right it down for Techno. He was stressed about it but I think we were both feeling better after sitting in the sensory room for a little bit.

When Phil came to pick me up, Techno and James had to drag me out to the front of the school. I was tired and I didn't really want to go home. I wanted to go to science this afternoon because I like science and Mr Barn and I wanted to show him my homework that I did at the weekend.

"Hey mate, come on, let's just get home." Phil picked me up and held me on his hip whilst he talked to James.

"Techno has got his backpack, I've written about it in his notebook but basically those changing rooms are too much sensory wise and I'm going to ask about getting him a quieter space to change."

"Oh thanks James, I'm hoping we can get him here tomorrow and it won't affect him too much." 

"Well, you're doing really well Tommy."

Techno laughed, "he likes school, you should see how much he enjoys doing homework at the weekend. He wants to be here."

Phil and James paused and nodded. Phil let me get in the car and stood talking to James until I got frustrated with having to hang around for so long and Techno made it clear that I was ready to go. I was getting more and more tired and slowly fell asleep on the way home.

Phil's POV:

I handed Techno the key so he could open the front door for me and I got out the car to try and get Tommy into the house without waking him up. He evidently hadn't sleep well last night and his day had exhausted him. Waking him up now was likely to cause a meltdown and that wasn't going to be good for anyone.

Eventually, I did manage to get him on his blanket on the sofa without waking him up. And I had just enough time to run through some stuff for my job interview on Wednesday before I needed to go pick up my other two sons from school. I had to rush there and back so I could get Techno to his driving test on time. Wilbur seemed to be happy to take on a bit more responsibility and Kristin would be home soon anyway so I was happy to leave them alone.

Tommy had woken up but was busy watching Doctor Who and eating ready salted crisps. My only request for Wilbur and Tubbo was that they make sure all three of them get out of their school uniforms. If you don't remind them, they spend all evening in them and get them dirtier than they were when they got home from school in them.

Time skip:

Techno sulked over and opened the door abruptly. "How did it go?"

"Oh I passed, I'm just mad cause this idiot was being an idiot on the road and I had to not swear at them even though that's what I wanted to do."

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