Chapter 31: going home

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Kristin's POV:

"I'll go with Cleo to the house, drop her off, do contact details, make sure Ethan's knows we're here if need be, can the boys come with you to Techno's therapy again? I forgot that we swapped his and Tubbo's sessions this week."

"Yes, but if Tommy is upset I'm not sure how that'll go."

"I think for today, we'll just have to work it out." I paused, "or how about James?"

"I'll give him a call." My husband sighed and picked up his phone. Kelly and Tommy were playing trains in the living room, Tubbo was napping after a nightmare during the night, and Techno and Wilbur were playing minecraft on the xbox. We were just outside in the garden, talking quietly.

Cleo had called 20 minutes ago to let us know Kelly was going home today and that she would be here to pick her up in an hour and a half. We had wrongly assumed Ethan would have a few days at home, buy Cleo said he was ready and keen to be reunited with his daughter as soon as possible.

Normally, we sent one of us home with foster kids where it was appropriate and everyone had consented to it (which Ethan also had). The people looking after the kids (parents or guardians or whatever) rarely wanted us that involved which was perfectly okay too but Ethan said he wanted to make sure he understood how we'd been supporting Kelly with all the change so he knew how to continue to support her. We thought that was nice and decided to make the effort too but now we didn't have enough hands.

Phil finished the call quickly and looked at me. "He can get here for 12."

"And Techno's session is before that isn't it?"


"And Cleo, Kelly and I will be well on our way before that too."

"Yes," he sighed again.

"Okay, can your mum drive Techno?"

"I'll call her."

"Okay, anyone else we can think of who could stay with the boys or take Techno?"

"Umm, well yea, but I thought we were waiting until we got the test results."

"Call your mum first, if she can't do it, maybe we'll just have to bite the bullet."

"Okay," he said, getting his phone out again.

Kelly's POV:

Tommy came close to me and tapped my shoulder. "Yea?" I held my hand out, thinking he wanted to hand me another train or something. He just held my hand tightly and cried. Once I realised he was upset, I gave him a hug and Techno came over to help.

"Come on, let's get sat down." I followed them to the sofa, feeling around for where I needed to be.

They were having a conversation but they must have been signing because I couldn't hear any words, just hums and movement. Techno took Tommy outside and Wilbur asked me if I'd like to do anything.

"I thought we were going to the park later."

"Yea, but did you want to do anything now?"

"Not really." I said, feeling a little confused. What was going on? Had I missed something?

"That's okay." He was nervous too.

"Why are Phil and Kristin talking outside? Do they not realise we can hear them?"

"No, they don't." He sighed, "so you know?"

"Know what?"

"What Mum and Dad are talking about?"

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