Chapter 50: birthday wishes

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Techno's POV:

My Wednesday therapy session had gone well as per usual and I was glad I'd had a chance to get things off my chest before the chaos of Mum's birthday began on the Thursday.

Mum took Tommy out on his morning walk (which Dad said very much needed to happen today so that Tommy wasn't at his most hyper) and the rest of us decorated the house with as much birthday stuff as possible whilst Tubbo made breakfast.

We had little pancakes, fruit salad, sausages, scrambled eggs and baked beans. Tubbo served everyone's meal on Tommy's separated plates because he said that if the baked beans got on the fruit salad it would all be ruined. I kind of agreed with him even though Dad said that wasn't what was important.

Wilbur also had to tune his guitar because he hadn't in ages and even with him playing, the practice versions of happy birthday sounded like drowning cats.

I went upstairs briefly to put my phone on charge and saw Mum and Tommy coming up the side of the road, about to get to the drive. She looked happy and Tommy was signing excitedly to her. Something about the book he was reading I think.

"They're here!" I shouted down the stairs before practically throwing myself down them. I didn't want to be late: this was important.

We hid ourselves in the living room and kitchen and after Tommy and Mum had got their shoes off, jumped out to surprised them all. Mum whooped and cheered with us all and we sat down to eat breakfast pretty sharpish. It was Tommy's second breakfast of the day but even he was convinced to sit down the whole way through breakfast. Birthday's were important. They signified things moving forward.

We sang happy birthday, which went about as well as you'd imagine.

After breakfast, everyone went to get changed and shower so we'd all look semi-presentable. We weren't doing anything. We were literally just sitting around the house today, but still. Mum's birthday dinner had been merged with her leaving dinner on Sunday. And she was out tonight with friend's. So actually, I don't even know why I bothered putting one of my only nice shirts on.

We all sat on the sofa (apart from me, I sat on my armchair like I normally did) and watched Mum open her presents. She appreciated all of them (well, she wasn't going to complain was she) and went round giving hugs and kisses and high-fives.

And then, at Mum's request we played some board games together. Uno was first.

I played with Tommy but in the end he didn't really need my help. His number and colour watching was good (Dad had worked on it with him to really secure the skill) and my job ended up being a more strategical one. Telling him when to play the special cards and picking up ones when we needed to. He just liked being around me: you could tell. 

After uno (of which we won one game, Wilbur won one and Mum won one), Mum decided on Jenga. Tubbo looked nervous, actually, everyone apart from Wilbur and Mum looked nervous. "Why don't we give it a go?" Dad said, "and if it doesn't work or people are finding it too difficult, we can choose another game?"

Within minutes, Tubbo was getting frustrated with himself over his lack of coordination. And Tommy had been relying on me to play for the both of us and my coordination wasn't much better. Wilbur and Mum were enjoying it though and it was her birthday. 

When the jenga tower inevitably came crashing down, Tubbo groaned in frustration, Tommy screamed and ran off and I shut down. I could hear everything going on around me but I just couldn't respond to it. Mum rushed off to find Tommy who I could hear was crying in Tubbo's room. Dad told Wilbur to go down to the music room with Tubbo and then crouched down beside me. "Mate, it's alright, I promise." He sighed and searched for his phone. My knees were pulled up to my chest and my chin rested on top of them whilst my hands covered my ears. "Here, why don't we go upstairs to your room and just sit quietly? With your headphones on?" 

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें