Chapter 21: family is as family does

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Kristin's POV:

"We've not got your proper gymnastics stuff and I'm sorry about that, but how about these sweat pants and a t-shirt?"

"I guess so." She sighed and looked down at her unicorn which she was holding.

"And if you don't feel up to going, we don't have to?"

"No, I want to go. I always go."

"That's great. And remember what your dad said earlier?"

"That he loves me and is proud of me and we'll be home together soon."

"Good, are you ready to get changed?" She nodded and I placed the clothes in her hands. "I'll leave you to it. Do you want a water bottle to take with you?" She nodded again. "Okay, I'll go sort that out."

I shut the door behind me and smiled at her my sons screaming at each other over the video game they were playing as I came down the stairs. Last thing I'd heard, Phil's Mum had popped round to check we had enough sheets for the single bed and delivered a wii u too. The two eldest immediately exploded, and once it was explained, Tommy and Tubbo reacted in a similar way.

"Alright love?" Phil asked, sat at the breakfast bar with his mum, watching our sons play mario cart. They were somehow orderly taking turns with the two controllers but I think Phil and I automatically knew we'd have to buy two more controllers and maybe a few more games second hand. This had gone down a lot better than expecting, despite the fact we didn't expect it.

"Yep, just getting her a water bottle and then we'll get going."

"Oooh is this the little gymnast I've been hearing about?"

"Yea it is Janet, she's brilliant."

"That's nice. Oh Phil, I know you're busy but I was just hoping you could come round sometimes and make the double bed for me? It's lovely wood and screws, but I prefer my furniture to be constructed and useful."

"Sorry Mum, yea, let me check when I can come around."

"Well, if I stayed with the boys this evening, could you do it now?"

"Actually, that's not a bad idea. Boys, would you be okay with Grandma watching you for a few hours?" They all nodded; I screwed the lid of the water bottle tighter.

"By the looks of it, they'll be so interested in the video game that they won't notice you've even gone."

"Mhm, what's the time?" He checked his watch, "I'll be back in time to bathe Tommy and put him to bed. Any issues, please just call me, don't try and be brave. Boys?"

"Heh?" Techno answered, looking over at us now he wasn't playing.

"I'm going to go to Grandma's to build the double bed for her, and she's going to stay here to look after you guys. Mum is going to gymnastics with Kelly. Okay?"

"Okay." His attention immediately returned to the television screen. I held in a laugh and went to get Kelly and I's shoes ready. Phil followed me to get his shoes on.

"Enjoy gymnastics then."

"Enjoy building the bed!"

"Will do, and umm today went well didn't it?"

"It went as well as it could do I guess."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yea, why?"

"You've not been yourself."

"I'm fine, there is just a lot going on."

"Anything I could do?"

Just us- SBI adoption story (Just me and him book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz