Chapter 15:

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Cleo's POV:

I leant back in my chair, placing my head in my hand whilst I pressed my work phone to my ear. I was just talking through some things with Kristin Watson, hoping that her and her family would be able to take in the young girl I'd just picked up the case of.

Said girl was sat in the corner of the small office, holding a teddy someone at the hospital had given her, tightly. She and her dad had been in a car accident early this morning and her dad's injuries had been quite serious. There was no family to take her in, so she'd been placed in the care system. Depending on her dad's condition when he woke up, she may be spending the rest of her childhood in the social care system and that troubled me slightly. You always heard horror stories and you always hoped you were doing the right thing.

"Yea, she's only 9 so you probably would need a smaller bed."

"Got it, we are sorting it out as we speak, Phil, can you get it here?" There was a pause down the phone, "yes? Okay, we can take her."

"Thank you!" I sighed out of relief. "Oh, I forgot to mention, she's blind."

"Right, okay. Umm, yea we can still do it. We will work it out, anything specific for us to know?"

"She's strong-willed, and she's got her cane with her. She told me she's got a bit of sight, not a lot but she can make out large shapes and shadows."

"Okay, we'll work it out. Thanks Cleo."

"Thank you so much, I was worried she'd end up being placed with a family who didn't get it. Grian mentioned how brilliant you are with disabilities."

"Did he now?" I heard her laugh.

"He did, trust me the whole of the county knows, you're likely to get a lot of calls when a disabled kid is involved in a case."

"Well, if it's because we're good at it then we'll take it as a compliment."

"Yep. Anyway, we've not been able to get back to the house, so she's got nothing. By looking at her she's probably aged 7-8 in clothing, she's a little short that's all, would you be able to get some stuff?"

"Yes, I'm going out in just a second."

"Okay, I've got to finish up some paperwork and then I'll drive her over. Should be at your's around 9:30?"

"See you then Cleo"

"Thanks Kristin." I put the phone down and stared at a document on my laptop.

"Are they nice?"

"Yes Kelly, Kristin and Phil are really nice and they are very helpful."

"That's nice."

"Yea, can I get you anything?"

"No, I'm fine thanks." She paused, "is my dad okay?"

"Last I heard from the hospital was he was going into surgery. They promised me they'd call me when he was out. But I bet he'll be out and feeling better way soon. The doctors and nurses are going to do their best." She hummed and ran fingers over the scabs all over her body. She'd come out of the crash practically unscathed. The smashed windscreen had sent shards off glass everywhere, some of which had cut her but the front of the car had taken most of the brunt and there were concerns that her Dad would lose both his legs. I felt scared for her. Sat in the back of that car, listening to it all happen around her must have been petrifying.

"Okay!" I wondered whether she didn't understand the gravity of the situation or whether she was so strong that it truly wasn't affecting her.

"I was going to have a cookie, would you like one?" She nodded nervously and gave me a sweet smile. For the first time since she'd met me, she folded up her white cane and placed it to her side on the chair, letting go of it.

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